~The End~

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You've  reached the end of Jarley Oneshots. I am so with how this book turned out, but unfortunately it's lost its spark.

I may come back to it later and post maybe a couple "in the future" type chapters, but I will not be focusing on this book.

Instead, I decided I will lost my most favorite work I've devoted so much time to. Make sure to check it out! (There's the joker in it haha)

It's called "Life Is Hard". The cover is currently being made, and the first few chapters were made by me when I had zero to no experience in writing. I will attempt to edit it, but I do not want to change it too much.

Okay, that is all! I am deeply saddened that I must end this book already but now there is another that I am so happy I decided to start posting.

Hope you check out that other story!

Talk to you guys on the other side 😉


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