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Jessica POV

I have no clothes what so ever. School starts in a hour and Kj might be running late.

*beep beep*

I grab my phone and looks at the text Kandi sent me. *Hurry up Kj is on his way*-Kandi. I've been starting to realize that Kj and I isn't too bad. He cares for me and I care for him a lot. I never really been in a relationship where someone only focus on me instead of my body.

Rumbling through my clothes in my closet I decided on wearing my blue sundress, blue and black MK sandals, and black MK purse. I put my hair in two puffs and grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.

I didn't really feel like eating any breakfast because I really wasn't hungry at the time.

I went outside, locked the door and went straight on my phone. Kj texted me saying he was close and I'm just dying to see my baby.

By the time he pulled up, I walked to his car, gave him a kiss and we headed to school.

Saturday night was the best. Best sex I ever had with Kj. He got a lot better than the last time we did it.

"So you're just going to sit there and be quiet?" Kj said breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry baby, I was just thinking about Saturday."

Before he can respond, we already got to school and I had to rush out because I needed to use the restroom.

I ran to the toilet and got on my knees. "What's going on with my stomach?" I thought to myself. I've been feeling this way since morning and I have a headache.

"Jess? Are you in here?" Kandi yelled.

I got up and gave her a hug before she can start asking questions about Saturday and etc.

Zayne POV

"Yoo D!" I shouted trying to get Darrius attention.

Darrius is my brother. He's older and taller than me. He's 17 while i'm 16.

"Wassgood little bro?" Darrius said approaching me.

"Remember Kandi? The girl I've been trying to get since the 9th?"

"Ya what happened?"

Before I could say anything else, Kandi started running towards me.

"Hey baby." She said planting kisses all over my face.

"Hey Darrius" She said rolling her eyes.

Darrius and Kandi never got along. Darrius use to always mess with her since she was the shortest one in the grade since the 9th.

"Wassup shrimp." Darrius said mushing her head.

"Leave me alone you oversized beast!" Kandi said punching Darrius in the mouth.

"Alright bro ima see you at home, bye." Darrius ran off.

I looked down at Kandi knowing she wanted to tell me something the way she looking.

"I missed you last night baby." She pouted.

She started touching my belt and rubbing my stomach.

I pushed her to side making it seem like I wasn't in the mood, but really I saw Nicole.

"Hey freaks." Nicole waved passing by.

My eyes followed her bottom half while she passed.

Before I knew it, Kandi slapped me.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Kandi slapped me again and ran off.

Shit! Look at what I did.

Nicole POV

"Damn." I started to think to myself.

There he goes. Zayne, He is so cute I saw the way he looking my ass.

"Jesssyyy." I screamed running to my cousin.

"Hey what's going on?"

Jessica looked so pale and tired. It seemed like she was crying earlier.

"You okay?" I asked.

"NO! I think I'm.." She stopped.

I turned around realizing that Kj was approaching us.

He clapped me up then went to Jessica and gave her a kiss.

"You think your what now?" He asked looking at the both of us.

"Nothing baby."

I said my goodbyes and told Jessica to call me tonight.

"Okay back to Zayne." I said to myself.

I walked to my class and looked thru the class window. I saw Zayne then started to fix my dress.

I walked in and sat right next to him and smiled.

"Hey cutie." I said winking at him.


"You seen Kandi?" I asked.

"I don't wanna talk about her right now."

"Damn alright sorry baby."

Zayne gave me a look and went back to his book.

Don't worry he's gonna be mine soon. Kandi got another thing coming for her.

I started laughing to myself not realizing Zayne was watching me.

I blew him a kiss and got back to work.

Sorry for the wait. Didn't get to read over, might have mistakes. Vote and comment ❤️

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