Sick day

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This was requested by LukaLullaby,sorry I made this so late BTW school and stuff. so pls check them out, and if you have any requests or suggestions just comment them, or pm me I don't mind.


Disclaimer(s)-strong language, French

Laffayete's pov

J-"Ay herc I bet you ten dollars that you cant climb that thing!"

H-"Bitch is that a challenge"

J-"You fucking bet it is"

H-"Deal, you owe me ten bucks"

J-"As if"

L-"Would you two cut it out, Herc you might hurt yourself"

J-"Come on laff, since when are you the party pooper"

H-"Yeah, you seem sad buddy, why don't you have a drink"

L-"No thank you herc, and I was just concerned for hamilton"



L-"Are you alright John? what happened?"

J-"*cough* eugh *cough*"

H-"Yo he's dying"


J-"I feel like shit!"

H-"You are shit"

L-"How much did you even drink"

J"Two pints of sam-adams, but im working on three"


L- "Oh mon dieu, pourquoi êtes-vous stupide, vous pourriez mourir, vous savez"


H-"Laff, we arent fluent in French you know"

L-"............pardon........ "

J- "so what about that bet?"

H- "ohoho you're on"

I then decided to leave these two to die.

I wanted to message Hamilton, he's not really the type to just say no without any context, he hasn't hung out with us for awhile now, he's making me worried.

Maybe he's just over working again, that's not so good either.

I should probably just leave him alone, if he doesn't want to hang out then I guess he just doesn't want to.




Laf: bonjour mon-ami, are you alright?

Jambons: yeah.

Laf: are you sure?

Jambons: yeah, why would you randomly ask?

Laf: hamilton, Pas vraiment, ce qui ne va pas, vous pouvez me faire confiance, je m'inquiète de vous.

Jambons: im fine laf.

Laf: S'il vous plaît.

Jambons: really, there's nothing wrong, im just tired.

Laf: doing what?

Jambons: stuff.

Laf: Quelque chose ne va pas, vraiment, qu'est-ce que c'est.

Jambons: fine, im sick.

Laf: Oh non, pour combien de temps!?

Jambons: how long have I been saying no to going out exactly?

Laf: oh non, hamilton.

Jambons: sorry, Je serai d'accord bientôt, calmez-vous, je vais bien. Rien d'un peu de repos ne peut pas réparer.

Laf: Im coming over.

Jambons: please no.

Jambons: im fine

Jambons: laf?


Hamilton's pov

I haven't been feeling well for the past two-three days-weeks? I haven't been aware of time lately.




I look around, god when did my vision become so blurry.... I stood up-fuck.

My back hurts, and my legs feel so heavy, 'that's what you get for slouching so much'

I slowly walk and ha just kidding im literally crawling, I finally reach the door frame and stood up.

Finally, im out of the room, now to spend another thirty minutes getting to the door.

Slowly and fuck, now im on the floor again, thank god I don't have stairs.

"Hamilton? Are you there?"

"Uh y-yeah, just-just.. just wait a bit, im working on it"

"Hamilton? I could just open the door...."

"Uh n-nah, i-i got it"

"Im coming in anyways"

Lafayette's pov
Hamilton is taking a surprisingly long time to open the door, Oh mon dieu, his voice sounds so scratchy.

I opened the door to see a dead piece of ham on the floor.

"Are you alright hamilton? You shouldn't take a nap on the dirty floor"

"Im fine, thanks for coming"

"*giggle* oui I bought medecine"

"Heh thanks laf"

"Je vous en prie"

Okay I know its short sorry, but I haven't been feeling okay lately. Thanks for reading this crap btw, and if you have any requests or suggestions just comment them, or pm me I don't mind.

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