Three is crowd

511 16 9

Warning slight smut ahead

There is smut here but very little,like just to sentences so I'll just put a **** where it starts and ends


Alexander was closing up. The bar was about to close, everyone was making their way out except for a particular man.

"Hey, you, the bar is closing go to burrito-bell or something"

Alexander said unamused.

"I'm tired"

The person said, his voice was a bit muffled due to the fact that his face was figuratively attached to the table.

The smaller rolled his eyes.

"Come on get up, I don't care if your tired you have to leave"

He grabbed the man by the shirt and helped him up.

"Cant you just take me home with you"

"W-what!? Come on just because you hang out here that doesn't mean-"

He was interrupted by a finger pushed against his lips


"What the *bleep* laurens no"

"Come on babygirl~"

Laurens said holding Hamilton close

"Let me go"

Laurens slapped alexander's behind causing him to squeak. Laurens chuckled lightly.

"You're so cute lexi~ I wonder what would you like naked and moaning for me"

Alexander's blush deepens as laurens whispers sweet and dirty nothings in his ear. Laurens' hands slowly started to caress the other's sides, hamilton shooketh. He kept whispering naughty images and scenes as he stood helpless against Laurens' grip.

He stops and nibbles on his ear.

"OHkay t-thats enough"

Alexander said pushing laurens away.

He takes a deep breath and looks at the man in front of him. He sighs.

" can stay, you live pretty far away anyway, you shouldn't drive and commuting while drunk is really danger-"

He hugged him with a small warm smile on his face

"Thank you~"

"Stop groping my ass"


Hamilton opened the door to his house with a drunk laurens on his tail

"Hey I'm home"

"Oh hey baby girl~"

"Oh hell no, NOT YOU TOO"

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