Seven days 2

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Oh boi so I found my old paper for this English project so I thought why don't I just take a picture and be done with it but like that's the reason why I wrote the first chapter so I can make it less rushed

So ye part 2 there's a bit of a timeskip so, sorry if you get confoosed


"Jefferson are you listening?"

"Ah what"

"Pathetic, you really expect someone like you can be a night guard, not to mention be in charge of the upcoming prisoner. Im puzzled to why they have not fired you yet, im shocked that you were even hired"

"Okay no need to be a dick"

"You will not speak to your higher commanding officer in that language"


"Oh you better be, you're in charge of section B, cell number 9"


"Don't mess this up like before"

There was never a night guard before actually, it just happened not so recently. The prisoners never did anything fishy so not much security patrols at night, that was until the accident of course.

It was some time ago, Jefferson was one of the guards patroling the prisoners in the morning, however one prisoner allegedly escaped

No one expected it since it was in the middle of broad daylight, but of course jefferson was put to blame being the one nearest to the incident

Safe to say that after that a a more strict police environment was established, although making the security better it got rid of the humanity in the cell

There were five basic guidelines:

*don't talk to any of them

*don't let them do anything at night aside from sleeping

*question every movement or noise they make at night

*listen to all their conversations whether be it personal or not

*don't trust anything they say even if they are telling the truth. Only the defense of a witness, family member,or the judge can make them innocent

sorry I really tried to continue this but it just really feels boring to me. I'll write a longer oneshots for an upcoming update I promise

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