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Quick a/n
I have no clue about businesses so I tried to not use business words like congress, the government and shit like that (cause I didn't put what specific business it is, so its up to you) but in my head its a book publishing agency both for public publishing and schools. They make deals and stuff for publishing smaller works and they publish their own. So ye. Its kinda like those animes about manga publishing but instead its books.

also this is SO different from what I drafted, this is supposed to be something really short whoops

Hamilton's perspective

Never in my life have I thought this man is attractive. I must admit he is rather handsome and charming but never have I thought that I would fall for his charms.

I ask myself, what is there to like about him? But the true question is what's not to like.

His eyes are beautiful. They speak to you on a spiritual level. They can express so much emotion.

His smile is captivating. His grin, his laugh, his frown. You just cant get enough.

His voice is so low and soothing. Whenever he speaks it sends shivers down my spine, his southern accent coming out occasionally.

His hair looks so fluffy and smooth. I just want to hold it in my hands, I want to smell it, I want to feel it.

His lips, they're so pretty and smooth and shiny. Its tempting to just run your fingers on it.

His skin is so smooth, he has a nice complexion and color.

His fingers are so slender and nice, he has nice nails too.

His body. Goddamn his body, its beautiful, its perfect, he has a body of a Greek god.

I want to feel his body, I want to hold him close, I want him to be mine but-

"Hamilton- hey hamilton!"

-I can make anyone mine, I can see how easy it is to flirt my way. But the problem is that he hates my guts.

"Uh w-wha-"

"Were you even paying attention? See he wasn't even focusing! Do you want to follow someone's business plan when he cant even listen to someone else's opinion? No. No you dont"

Everyone is murmuring and whispering. He's always going against me. We're coworkers sure but still we cant help but argue, I try to at least be friendly but he always finds a way to push me aside.

"So Hamilton, what you gonna do now~"

He always look so happy with other people but whenever I'm in the situation the mood darkens. No one notices it but I do, the look in his eyes change drastically whenever we make eye contact. I hate it, I hate being stared down by him. I hate being looked at with those loathing eyes.

"What's the matter hamilton? Cant think of anything to say? That's new~"

I hate you, you beautiful piece of trash. Why did I even fall in love with someone like you

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