Short jamilton scenarios

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I might make a few of these full oneshots idk yet

Hamilton is sitting down writing on his laptop, jefferson shows up and grabs his glasses. "Ha now you're blind" Hamilton stands up, slowly reaches into his pockets, grabs his extra pair of glasses and chases after him

Jefferson and Hamilton are at work, they were having an argument, it was getting heated "seriously what will it take for you to shut the fuck up" Jefferson was getting annoyed then Hamilton screams "your fucking lips pressed against mine you bitch"

Jefferson was hanging out with james, and James was high-key flirting with Jefferson. Jefferson was low-key flirting back, then out of nowhere Hamilton sprints to them and clung to jefferson like a koala "this tree is mine, I'm the only one who can climb this tall ass broccoli"

Soulmate AU, jefferson and Hamilton hate each other as usual, they were in debate class and it was about soulmates whether they were good or not, they were starting to argue and it got physical. One saw colors start to gather around but the other didn't

Jefferson and Hamilton were best friends, they were inseparable. That was until Hamilton started to develope feelings, he never told jefferson that was until he was standing at the altar, jefferson smiling widely thanking Hamilton for everything. It was jeffersons wedding with the luckiest woman on earth, and hamilton was his best man.
(I kinda wanna make this one lol)

Hamilton has an unknown one night stand when he wakes he sees his college enemy and worse part is Jefferson was sober last night.

Jefferson passes by this school everyday from work (just by coincidence each time) he got home from work and notices there was still one kid there, he talked to the kid and finds out it was hamiltons kid so he takes the kid home and waits for Hamilton to go back from work
(I might make this one idk)

Jeffersons real kid goes to school for the first time (was homeschooled) and wont stop talking about his new bestfwiend so he invites his friend over and bam hamilton comes in  with HIS adopted child
(This has been a draft in my mind for so long now I may finally write it down maybe combine it with the first one? Ooohhhh)

Hamilton works as a waiter, Jefferson suddenly had a thing for him and wanted to be his sugar daddy but hamilton is oblivious AF
(I'm totes writing this one)

Roadtrip au, jefferson has to fifth wheel bc laurens took James but they force hamilton to hang with them so now awkward moments happen
(Agh I wanna write this one)

This is a great way to think of what to write just make random scenarios and a story idea would eventually occur woah

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