
483 19 28

(A-hamilton, J-john, T-thomas)

we are discussing today about the murder of a citizen, Thomas jefferson. he was spotted dead at his house, he was said to be stabbed and the weapon used was a knife. the knife has been tested for any clues leading to the killer. the DNA of laurens has been found.

Hamilton has admitted being a witness of the crime.

laurens do you recall anything that happened?

laurens shook his head, looking down at his hands.

J-"i-i don't remember much but there are a few images..."

understood, Hamilton what occured at the day of the crime?

Hamilton took in a deep shaky breath, and started to talk.

A-"we were at a bar. john, Lafayette and Hercules was with us"

laurens why were you at the bar at the time?

laurens thought for awhile.

J- "I remember breaking up with jefferson, we used to date but he cheated on me. with a woman named maria"

does this Maria have anything to do with the crime?

laurens shook his head.

according to maria, being the one who called out on the crime. Jefferson was cheating on her, and her exact words being "I didn't know what happened but I just saw him there dead, yesterday I told him to break up with laurens because he was getting in the way."

laurens cringed

but we arent here to talk about relationships, we have a crime at our hands.

do you remember what happened in the bar?

J-"i-i remember crying and drinking two pints of sam adams, but that's all everything was a blur afterwards"

do you have low alcohol tolerance?

laurens shook his head,

J-"n-no I usually drink more than that before I-before I get drunk"

hamilton how much did laurens drink that night?

A-"he drank quite a bit, he drank so much that he puked all over the area. he complained all night about his head hurting and how tired he was"

laurens looked up

J-"I remember that. I was very dizzy and I couldn't really speak very well"

if you remember that then perhaps you weren't drunk. you remembered drinking two pints then you remembered feeling ill. so if you really drank more you wouldn't remember how you felt. perhaps your drink was spiked?

J-"I'm not sure. I didn't really leave my chair and I was with lexi the whole time"

hamilton nodded

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