If only... 2

236 10 11

Alexander's perspective

Isn't it kind of pathetic, being so happy about a person.

Its been about two months since we had that first date oh wait I almost forgot

(*have a boyfriend ✔️)

Oh also

(*have someone list down things they like about me ✔️)

Wasn't I just gonna kill myself? Well I guess this is good, its having the effects it should.

But still this wont last forever it will end soon

Jefferson asked me out awhile ago, we're supposedly going to a theme park I guess that's another thing off the bucket list

I almost completed everything, what if I finish everything before 6 months

I finished a lot quickly

Well I guess we'll just have to wait

4 months to go


General perspective

(*go to a theme park ✔️)

Thomas and Alexander was walking around the theme park

Alex stopped dead in his tracks, looking at a cute stuffed lion

"Do you want that"

Alex nodded furiously causing Thomas to chuckle

"Alright I'll win it for you baby"

Thomas payed the man and took the gun.

"What do I need to hit for that lion?"

"Ya'll need ta hit eight on the top"

Thomas nodded, this was gonna be tough since he only had ten bullets

He missed the first time hitting one in the middle row making the man laugh

"Don't celebrate yet baldy"

Thomas said with a smirk hitting eight in a row

"What in tarnation!"

"I just wanted to see how quick the bullets were and how I should aim"

"Ya smartass. Ya git one more shot"

Thomas nodded and shot another one in the middle

The man was murmuring to himself as he gave Thomas the lion and a cute bear keychain

Thomas handed the lion to Alex and they both walked off

"That was amazing Tommy! How did you do that?"

"Well I guess its kinda like darts?"

"Ah right...well thanks I appreciate it...its very cute"

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