Took you long enough

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this was an idea by intheplace2be.
They had this in a prompt book. I asked permission to write this about a week ago but they still haven't replied (the last time they did anything on wattpad was November 2017) So credits to her/him/it/them

I'm too lazy to remember all my frenching so if anyone is speaking French I'll just put:
this thingy since genuine ungoogle translated frenching is hard.

Also I'm doing the French man not using abbreviated words cliché. it feels more comfortable to hear a French accent speaking English without abbreviations
(i'm/you're/ain't/yesn't etc.)

Just try to read in a French accent cause autocorrect wont let me casually change words up for the sake of accents (like "ze dog" or something)

sO LeTs GeT StaRteD shAll wE
*does weird/creepy corrine hands*


Lafayette's perspective
(Oohh das new)

Oh my god!

I am hosting a celebration called the blue moon ball. It is supposed to be a once in a blue moon celebration. It is actually just a royal ball my family hosts each year. I was in charge of hosting this year so I picked the theme blue moon. I have always admired the night sky so I thought why not make it the theme and so I did.

Everything was going perfectly, the decorations were amazing, the food looked delicious, the invitations were signed and sent to various royal families, and of course a few invitations for some non royals familiars. But not everything goes smoothly.

I stared at the maid in front of me with disbelief 

"We're sorry mr.Gilbert we couldn't contact him"

"What? Why! This can not be happening! The celebration is tomorrow I need this fixed right now!"

"We really are sorry mr.Gilbert, perhaps you can use a different suit?"


I raised my voice, I should not have done that

"We're sorry mr.Gilbert, we'll try to contact someone else"

"Its fine, my apologies for yelling. I will walk around the city I will find another suit-"

"But sir-"

"No its fine, really. Maybe I will see something better"

"Okay sir, but maybe you should bring your suit just in case you see a good tailor"

I sigh

"It seems impossible on such a short notice, but alright I will thank you"

She nods and walks out to help with the last minute preparations

I took my suit out of the bag, it was a dark suit with a few splashes of blue, I was going to wear it with a black tie that had stars but unfortunately my suit had a hole.

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