The greatest treasure

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this ends on a cliffhanger
and no it wont be continued

A great, intimidating man who stands at six feet tall, he was known all over the land, he was the king afterall, but not just that. He was king with a glare that could hit you straight to the soul, a cold voice that would send shivers all over your body. He was king jefferson.

Despite his young age he has a lot of wisdom, although he lacks a significant part of being a person.


He does not see the sense in smiling or laughing, he thinks that it is all a waste of time, it has no purpose, it is for the pathetic.

He had everything you could ever want, gold, jewelry, grand mansions, riches and so much more, but it wasn't enough, all these years the king has had a hole in his heart, he has always been longing for something, everyone has tried to please the king with all the most expensive and native items in hope of gaining the kings trust, but none of them has succeeded, not until one day he met a young man

He was a simple man, he smiled and laughed, and was courageous, he was jeffersons exact opposite, even though, he amused the king, perhaps he is the one who will fix the broken king and warm his cold heart.

And this is where the story begins, as he sits on his throne, staring blankly at the person in front of him.

The person is a prince from another kingdom who was making an offering with one of his servants

the Prince seemingly spoke with confidence although in his eyes he's obviously fearful of the kings gaze

"And here I present to you fine jewels from our beloved home land, these are rare emeralds that are only available to the finest of ro-"

the king has been staring eye to eye with the servant, this caught his attention and made him pray for his life, the king was not pleased

The room suddenly became colder than it was, there was a moment of silence. the king slowly stood up and approached the two men

the Prince losing his composure opened his mouth to apologize for the behavior of his servant but was interuppted by the smaller

"so are you just gonna stare or what? if you don't want the stuff then we'll just be on our way"

the prince's mouth gaped wide open

"I do believe that is no way to talk to the king"

"oh I'm sorry, your highness"

the servant boy taunted

"that was rather disrespectful..."

the king took out a gun from his back and pointed it at the servant's head

"....I would admire your bravery but that was mere idiocy"

the servant smiled and gave a small chuckle secretly intruiging the king.

the boy held the king's wrist, the people in the room gasped in harmony as the prince panicked.

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