one. charlotte

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one. charlotte

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Charlie liked receiving letters, but in the twenty-first century, the only non-e-mail mail a person could get were bills. That's why the girl was so surprised when she received an actual, handwritten letter, along with a few additions in the brown envelope, that didn't require her to pay for spending gas or electricity. She unfolded the letter first, her confused and surprised expression briefly curving into a small smile at the sight of her name in cursive handwriting. It wasn't all that tidy and fancy, but it was readable, and said:


I hope this letter reaches you before the news reach the news (Tom Holland is a blabbermouth). I wanted to call you to give you the news, but an associate of ours tells me you like receiving letters, so I took the liberty of sending you one. I'd have to give you your SDCC VIP lanyard somehow, anyway, so I saved us some time- which I'm sure you'd rather spend socializing with your new co-workers than having lunch with boring, old me- and sent it along with the letter. Please be careful not to lose it.

Charlie's hands started shaking. There was a feeling in her stomach that made her feel ill but she couldn't decide if it was for a good or bad reason. There was a thought in the back of her head, an explanation to the words, lurching forward like an instinct before she declared it absurd and pushed it down. Now she only had the words in the letter that she couldn't decrypt and some words that started to slip from her closed-up throat.

"T-Tom-Tom Holland? I--- wait, wait, SDCC VIP what? What, what, what co-workers, I---" she shook her head as her eyes briefly skimmed the letter, though the remains of it seemed like random words. One of her hands reached toward the couch behind her and she slowly but surely sat down on the armrest, trying to steady her heartbeat but her eyes never leaving the letter as the world around her lost significance with each word becoming a fragment clearer.

But enough digressions. The main reason I'm writing to you is to congratulate you on getting the role of Cora in Infinity War!

"Oh." her eyes determined to consume the letter a moment ago now softened with realization and a flood of emotions. They widened, her brows jumping and lips parting. The feeling in her stomach briefly jumped to her throat before disappearing entirely. Now it was just the surface of her skin tingling with nerves, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa." she breathed out a laugh before going over the rest of the letter. At first the words were a blur,

As you know, I was included in the casting process myself, along with the creator of your character, Autumn Watson. I have to say, we were both very impressed by your self-tapes and screen tests and think you'll do an amazing job as Cora Conor.

But she could understand them after rereading them enough times to know them by heart, which was now trying to break the cell bars that were her ribs, the impact causing her chest to depress and have difficulty consuming oxygen.

Your plane ticket for San Diego, the plan for the event and map of the location (and the VIP pass, as I said already) are in the envelope. The post-it is from Autumn, requesting your presence at the said place and time for lunch. It was the better alternative to the two-thousand-word letter she wanted to send you with this one, but changed her mind as she wanted to meet you in person as soon as possible (plus, I assured her you'd be too busy to read it).

Congratulations again! We look forward to you joining us at San Diego Comic Con of 2017 as a glimpse into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as well as seeing you portray Cora.

All the best,

Kevin Feige

P.S. Please try to keep your role a secret; there's a special reveal Autumn and I have been planning for her.

"Kevin Feige," she whispered, the only part of the letter she read aloud despite her lips moving in sync with the writing as she read it. She fell backwards, colliding with the couch. The letter was still in her hand (she wasn't sure she'd ever let it out her grasp- it was confirmation, validation; it was her dream come true), both of which reached up to her forehead and through the roots of her hair. Her eyes closed and another ghost of a giggle jumped from her lips, before turning into a full-grown laugh which was so joyous it was almost maniacal. Her arms fell to her stomach which rose and fell with the howl.

After a few minutes- yes, minutes, because Charlie wanted to savor this moment for the rest of her life, live it as it should be lived, since she knew you could only experience the initial thrill of a movie or book plot, or the genius tunes of a song once, and later it just wasn't the same- she stood up. Her limbs were actually sore from laughing. She hadn't had such a good laugh in ages. It was like someone had told her such a starling joke she'll tell it over and over again until people were sick of hearing it, and, in a way, she would. Charlie started to head for her room, soft socks grazing the soft carpet, when she suddenly stopped and stood gravely still. She took another look at the letter,

... to congratulate you on getting the role of Cora in Infinity War! ...

And that was when she happy-danced. It was probably the most absurd happy dance Manchester had ever seen- or anyone, for that matter- but she was so happy she didn't care. So she happy-danced away.


So, if you were here before, you'll know Charlotte was named Cora, but I changed that. Also, that she got the role of Azra aka Miss Monster but I changed that too because I couldn't look myself in the mirror knowing I cast Olivia Cooke as Charlotte Vaughan as Azra when Olivia Cooke is the face claim of  Cora (from another story of mine) and Azra's face claim is Naomi Scott.

(I'm a messsss)

Autumn Watson is a character from another social media story that I'm planning (Chris Evans is the love interest) and I finally decided what I wanted to do with that story so that affected this one as well.

I think that's all... I'm probably gonna publish that Cora story sometime sooner or later, but Azra's story will come after Infinity War kills me. And Autumn's story (as well as a spin off to it cause I'm making these social media fics a trilogy woop woop) will be arriving... not sure yet. But they will.

Sorry for the long Author's Note and hope you're enjoying British Invasion so far.

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