seven. seb the spy

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seven. seb the spy

lottietrouble: mackie got me banned from the set for eating his calas and now i'm grounded for the week so i guess q&a time?


armagetom: living up to the username one prank at a time


user1: who do you play in a4???


user2: what's the title of a4??


user3: does anyone die in a4???


lottietrouble: well that's all the time we've got for today folks, thanks for participating

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messages with

subway satan


hey seb

subway satan

yeah charlotte?

do you really think everyone read the real script?

subway satan

well not everyone

subway satan

i know the russos most definitely did

subway satan

kevin feige too

subway satan

and autumn

okay but i mean from the cast

minus autumn

i still don't know the character she's playing

subway satan

oh it's a surprise

subway satan

it's her original character from the autumn series and i hear she's really badass

subway satan

i think downey read the script


he'll tell me the secrets of the script

subway satan

why did i just read that in a wicked witch voice

cause i said it in a wicked witch voice

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