ten. sammy

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ten. sammy

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Charlotte and Hamlet spent the night talking about events in each other's life that the other had missed on while watching Sherlock and commenting on how in love with each other Johnlock was. The girl had made them cocoa and the boy had prepared caramel popcorn, the combination of which was quite probable to make them race to the bathroom.

But they simply watched and talked, giggled and shushed each other when their laughs became too loud, and in the morning woke up in the pillow fort they had constructed, though it was more of a rude wake up call by Charlotte's phone.

She groaned and reached out to shut it off, but it took her a while to actually get up and get ready. Luckily, she was so worried about her trip she had packed her suitcase three days prior, and had checked it twice a day every following one. Hamlet was still in his travel clothes, and didn't find it necessary to change, so went out to make them all breakfast, surprising his younger brother, who was sure he was a hallucination.

He only realized he was real when he tried the eggs his older brother had made, because they were just as delicious as when he used to babysit them when they were little. They waited for Carla for as long as they could, but she didn't show up, and Charlotte could only hope it was because she didn't want to see her off and not because something had happened to her. Neither of the three knew where she was, so hoping she would be there when Tom and Hamlet returned home, the kids left the house and took a cab to the airport.

* * *

"Charlotte! Over here!" Christiana yelled from the other side of the airport.

She turned around at the sound, and waved at the blonde batch with one grey-haired misfit, before leading her own batch of brunettes across the hall to meet them. As soon as she was in their proximity, someone wrapped their hands around her hips, and she looked down to see a bush of curly blonde hair which belonged to Samuel Gilbert.

She giggled and pulled her fingers through his hair, before he looked up at her, "You're very pretty." he blinked his big brown eyes at her, and she crouched down to his eye level to thank him and ruffle his hair. Then the boy ran off to hide behind his sister, hugging her leg and peeking out slightly.

"He's been in love with you since I showed him those selfies we took the day we met." Christiana rolled her eyes, dragging her leg along with her brother to meet her friend. The two hugged, though they both held the same excited and nervous feeling in their stomachs, which only allowed them ghosts of smiles.

To the girls' right was Tom showing something on his phone to a lanky blonde boy, who was so tall he had to lean over to be in-level with the brunette. He was the oldest Gilbert kid, PJ, whom Charlotte knew of from Christiana's and Tom's respective selfies with the boy, though she had never met him in person; he was invited to her graduation party, but couldn't make it.

He parted from a disgruntled Tom to hug her. She introduced him to her mother and to Hamlet, who not-very-subtly checked him out, making the blonde boy blush and scoff, then return to discuss the video he was shown with Tom.

"Are we waiting for someone?" Christiana asked, seeing as Charlotte was looking around and wringing her wrists.

"Uh, yeah, my dad's supposed to fly with us." she explained, her eyes still wandering the hall and most oftenly passing over the entrance/exit. But she hoped to see her mother rush in as well.

It was only a few moments after that Charles Vaughan exited his cab and entered the airport, dragging his suitcase and dressed in a suit that shamed mr. Gilbert's, who had become obviously self-conscious at that observation.

"Morning." he lifted his hand to say hello to everyone, and Charlotte gave him a hug, before quickly sating everybody's names to familiarize him with them. Sammy went as far as to give her father a high-five, and everyone smiled at that.

"Ready to go girls?" he looked down at the two, who were holding hands so tightly, they must not have even felt the pain. They both let out a shaky breath, looking at each other then back up at the man and nodding, "Good. There's nothing to be afraid of. I'll be with you the entire flight, and as for the filming, I'll try to get Robert to sneak me into the set as an extra." he winked.

The name of their flight was called, signaling it was time they went further, through check-in and other meticulous airport ordeals.

"That's us." Charles pointed at the ceiling, making Charlotte and Christiana turn to their respective families to hug their goodbyes.

"You're not going to the other side of the planet." Tom rolled his eyes as Charlotte refused to let him go.

"I am, actually!" she tightened the hug.

"But it's the twenty-first century, you can call me up whenever--"

"Don't think I won't!"

"Oh, God, please don't cry."

Then she moved to Hamlet, who burst into over-the-top tears and belted out full sobs, and Charlotte did the same, causing Tom to face palm and complain about actors being so dramatic, before tearing them apart so Charlotte could move to the others. Mr. Gilbert shook her hand tightly, and in the end even pulled her into a hug, wishing both girls luck. PJ gave her a loose grin and a loose hug, and when it was Sammy's turn to say goodbye, he hugged her hips again and buried his face in her stomach, promising to marry her when she comes back.

She giggled lightly at that, though her thoughts were somewhere else; it didn't seem her mother was coming. It didn't seem she changed her mind and decided to support her daughter. So Charlotte sighed, running her fingers through Sammy's curls once more before he let her go.

Then Charles put an arm around her shoulder and linked the other with Christiana's, leading them into the digestive system of the airport. And in the next moment Charlotte was in the plane, looking at the building which slowly disappeared from view as they flew into the clouds.

"You girls alright?" her father asked from his seat in front of her, and she looked to her left to see Christiana already asleep on her shoulder. She should probably get some sleep to, as she didn't get any that night; but she was running on an adrenaline high, both nervous and excited.

She nodded, "Never better."


Ten outta ten, guys, here come the Brits, the MCU better watch out.

Also, enjoy the new social media covers, I actually like them and they gave me motivation to write, they're nothing special but like I'm lowkey proud of 'em.

See y'all in part two.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!

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