four. marvel brits

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four. marvel brits

"What?" Carla's voice was muffled, as she had just taken a large bite of a whole-grain cookie. She gulped, "When-when did this happen? What movie? What role? How... when... what?!" she rushed to the couch, leaning over the back to look at Charlotte, who was wincing but managed to crack her eyes open.

"Well, re-remember when Tom and I went to LA with dad?" Carla nodded, frowning, "Well, dad had had lunch with uncle Robert while Tom and I were shopping, and when we met up in the city, he told me uncle Rob told him there's a casting call for a role that's perfect for me and to tell me so I can decide if I want to go for it, and if I do, he can put in a good word for me." she rambled, having sat up.

Carla circled the couch and took a seat next to her, nodding and letting her explain the situation, because she couldn't overreact to a situation she knew nothing about.

"And it's a Marvel movie, and you know how much I love Marvel movies, and I was thrilled, and I told him I'd love to try out for the role." by now her lips were in a widening smile, her cheeks becoming chubbier as the smile broke them, and she forgot she was speaking to her mother, who would crush her dreams when she was done explaining.

"And I was so nervous the night before," she scoffed, "I kept reading all sorts of bits of script from various Marvel movies, Tom was so done with me, I must've driven him insane. But he went with me, and we met up with uncle Robert, and he wished me luck and told me he knows I can do it and if I don't get the role that he's gonna god-disown me."

"And I thought I was gonna vomit, but I didn't, and I went in, and they were all so nice, and they gave me the script and I did my best even though I was so afraid it wouldn't be enough, but I guess it was because I got a letter from Kevin Feige and he said I got the role, oh my god." Charlotte buried her face in her palms, overwhelmed by reliving the experience of being cast in a Marvel movie.

"So Robert's going to be in that movie?" her mother asked, now expressionless, and Charlotte nodded, pulling her face out of her hands.

"Yeah," the girl breathed out, trying to think of cast members her mother liked, hoping it'd make her have a better opinion of the movie, "And, like, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Holland, Paul Bettany, Chris Evans..."

Okay, Chris Evans wasn't British nor theatrically acclaimed, but he was one of Charlotte's favourite actors, and she would be lying if she said she didn't have a crush on him.

"And, like, a bunch of other celebrities, it's gonna be wild." she chuckled, shaking her head.

"And what part have you been cast in?" Carla's brows rose and she tilted her head, and Charlotte was never shown that expression before; her mother was showing a hint of surprise, as if she thought the girl didn't have the skill to land a role in that kind of movie all by herself.

Charlotte hissed, eyes flicking from her mother to her own room, where she had put away the letter, "I don't know if I can tell you--"

"Of course you can, I'm your mother."

She didn't act like one very much.

"Fine." Charlotte cut off, eyes still flickering across the room, as if there was a sniper hiding behind the kitchen counter ready to take her out if she spilled a secret. She leaned forward, "Cora Conor."

"Never heard of her." Carla shot up all of a sudden, heading toward the kitchen, and Charlotte's heart skipped a beat; perhaps because she feared the sniper was still there, or maybe because her mother was already quitting on their conversation, which meant end of discussion, which meant no Marvel movie for Charlotte. But she was ready to correct her.

"Well, you had never heard of Iron Man until uncle Robert got the role." Charlotte stood up with a newfound sense of courage. She never stood up to her mother, but if that's what it'll take...

"Well, your uncle Robert is a grown man. He has experience and knows how to deal with the mess that is show business and Hollywood." she tipped the top of her watet bottle toward her, before taking a sip.

"He has experience because of trial and error. I won't die because of trial and error." Charlotte shrugged, suddenly feeling very grown up, aware that she might still be living with her mother, but she was eighteen, and she was an adult, and she could do whatever the hell she wanted.

"You don't know that." Carla's brows jumped, but Charlotte decided to cut the discussion short.

"Mom." she put her foot down, "As much as I appreciate all you've done for me and all you've taught me and all the advice you've given me, I'm legally an adult, and I am capable of making my own decisions. Don't try to soften me by going all 'But you'll always be my baby.' This is important to me, and I've made my decision. I'd like it if you were there with me when I start filming, but if you won't, that won't change my decision. I am going to film that movie."

She took a deep breath, nodding, before going into her room. She wasn't a tantrum-throwing teen anymore, she didn't slam the door behind her. She was a responsible adult, and she just won an argument against her mother. She just stood up for herself. She closed the door like nothing ever happened, and started to text Tom, who was at band practice, about how it all went down, starting with a simple 'say hello to the boys for me.'


Carla is distant but also v protective and Charlotte is determined as hell, that's how you know she's gonna be a good Cora lol

Anyway I'm back and I wrote a lot while I was away so updates should be regular from now on, unless I forget because I do that sometimes, or don't have anything pre-written, which I hope won't happen, but it's harder for me to write the social media chapters than the real life ones tbh

That's all folks, thank's for reading, hope you enjoyed!

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