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The 4 reached the city and walked to the gate, only for spear men to surround them. They were disarmed and taken to a castle. Amanda and Vladim noticed that elves and beast men were in rags, chains and looked starved. The walked in and Arach and Astrois were stopped. Amanda and Vladim were lead into a large room, guards lining the walls. On the far end was a throne, with a man, maybe 15 years old, at most. "Who are these peasants you brought in front of me?" he asked, in a snobby tone.

The boy was short, had short, blonde hair, was dressed in a black robe with gold jewelry and a crown on his head. They guards had a gold tint on their armor. "Kill the man, send the woman to the dungeon." The kid said. Vladim, being stabbed in the back, grabbed the spear and pulled it out of his back. Amanda grabbed and knocked down the guard to her right. The boy looked up and surprised, drew his sword. 

Amanda and Vladim used the spears they had taken, to knock down most of the guards. The kid ran away as they continued to knock or stab the hands of the guards. They looked around and ran after the kid and reached a large room loaded with barrels. Inside was a man with a bag over his head. The kid was on the far side of the room, holding a torch. "Good luck surviving the fire dust I've stored in here." he said, lighting a string and he ran away. "Vladim, get the guy, I'll chase after the kid." Amanda said. 

"No, run away, leave, the castle is empty, just go, fire dust can destroy stone walls if lit on fire, run." the man said, sounding familiar. Vladim removed the bag and Dravock was shown, hair cut short and had a swollen left eye. "Just go, I'll make sure he doesn't escape!" he yelled. Vladim cut the ropes and the first barrel caught fire. "GO!" he yelled, grabbing a spear and running down the hall the kid ran. 

"No, dravock, come back!" Amanda yelled. "You heard him, were going!" Vladim said, picking up Amanda and carrying her away. He carried her out. "Hey, I recommend leaving, fire dust is about to go off." Vladim said. The few remaining guards ran out as the first explosion was heard. They all ran as the building collaped, and a scream was heard from above. "Unhand me you filthy creature!" the kid ruler yelled. 

The few that were outside saw the kid ruler being pulled in the collapsing castle. There was a scream as the crown and a hand fall out of the window as fire spewed out of the window. The few remaining people outside was only 20. "How many were in there?" "Only about 10 that we saw, the brat, and....." Amanda couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence. 

Arach walked over to the hand, looking like it was burned slightly, but also cut. She noticed on a finger, there was a ring. "I think I know who saved you, fire dust could destroy a city if there was enough in an area, looks like we were saved, by an unknown hero." Arach said. "Why did you come here, since we brought you in, you only have brought death and soon the emperor will hear of his son's death, and send his army!" a guard yelled. "We only wanted to save our friend, he was taken, and the ransom was to bring an emissary from a city of the empire, with proof he was part of it." Amanda said. 

She walked away, and Vladim took both his, and her weapons. He found her outside the city, crying and leaning against the Humvee. "He's so stupid!" she yelled. "He was stupid, but he knew what was best, he saved more people, at the cost of his own." He said. He opened a pocket and took out a flask. "Here, this might help, but you need to move on sometime, I got a guard to agree to come with us, he's making a pack for a peace negotiation gift." Vladim said. 


Bum, bum, buuuummmm, I've killed off an important character, or have I? Both side can be true, it has effect on the ones he's close to (Amanda) but no clear obvious body, so you decide if Dravock is gone for good, alive but gone, or alive and will show up in the next chapter, read on to see, chapter 25 will be the end of Archway of Naroc, and the next book, War of Naroc, will be a backstory, building up to the exact moment of the Naroc world being shown.

If you have any questions, Chapter 26 will be a q/a chapter, so, leave comments down below for questions.

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