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Scott and Alex were on their way to Sarac, the city of the mountain. They were traveling with Thomas Scalts, the recently appointed ambassador for the UN. The sas soldiers were in suits with silenced pistols and bullet proof vests under the suits. Thomas was in a suit and lacked a weapon. The Humvee reached the mountain pass, now with a stone gate with a lowering platform. The 3 showed ID and the platform raised. They drove up the pass, passing pillboxes. They finally reached the area outside the city, to see elves harvesting fields of wheat and corn.

They got into the city and saw a mix of stone/wood builds and modern buildings. Drow elves ran up to the Humvee, expecting Dravock. The 3 rode till they reached the gate of the keep. They got out and the elves whispered between themselves when they saw the Dravock not with them.

The 3 walked into a large room, seeing several elves in robes with pendants of silver and gold jewelry. They grew silent as the 3 walked in. "Where is Irothian Martrase Devrook?" The Princess Nev-eh Jenst-al said. "He.....he is no longer among the living, he was taken from us, and he died in a blast of Fire powder." Alex said. The men looked sad, disappointed, angry, and some, some looked happy.

The room fell silent until a man spoke out. "About time he died, the fool cared to much for others, he never looked out for us." Nev-eh yelled, "Dravock Thress! We honor the dead not mock them!" "I only speak what others are thinking, we all knew him, his home full of paints, sculptors, books and items from other races, house Vellma have only soiled names, and now, the last of them are gone." Thress said.

Nev-eh looked angry, until Thomas spoke to the gathering of Elven Lords. "Everyone, please, we all have our opinions of Dravock Devrook, but please, don't remember him for what his family did, but remember him for what he did, where I am from, we remember the people who died to help others, so please, be the better elf, and respect his choices in life."

The room fell silent again, until Nev-eh smiled. "Ambassador of the UN, few have moved me so much as you in only a single speech please, sit, we would happy to have you here as a voice of Galeta."  Nev-eh. A chair was moved and he sat down. Scott and Alex talked to each other, listening. "I believe our new voice will fit the shoes of a Dravock, are there any any objections?" Nev-eh asked. No one spoke up and she smiled. "Thomas Scalts, I here by appoint you to the position of Dravock of Windwall, Dravock of the Voice." Nev-eh said.

"Thank you your majesty, I will hold myself up to the standards of a Dravock." he said. The council continued for several minutes until eventually, a conclusion was reached. "We will have Dravock Scalts talk to the Narocians, and find peace between us." Nev-eh said. "By the right of Tes mas droe, I call this council meeting over." Nev-eh said

-5 minutes later-

Thomas walked out of the council chambers, smiling. "Well, how's if feel to be a dravock?" Alex asked. "It's strange, i asked for the responcibilites of the dravock, wanting to make sure I got everything correct, and she said "A dravock is to lead, govern, care for the people of his city, and if needed, marry into a family." "Sounds about right, well, good luck, we'll lead you back to base." "Well, she also gave me a ring, so I gave her the only gift I had on me." He said. "And that was?" Alex asked. "I gave her a necklace I had." he said. 

"This should end well, I got 10 pounds saying she takes it the wrong way." Alex whispered to Scott. "I'll take those chances."

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