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       They watched her, her every move every breath she took. They were always there, two steps behind her blending in with their surroundings so she never knew they were there. They had every person she has ever encountered photographed, they knew it all. But she didn't know them, at least she didn't know she knew them. It was that she was their missing piece, their lost toy and they finally found her but they couldn't act or they would blow their covers. Soon she would know what true fear was when she looked into their dark eyes and their cruel smiles. She wold know the pain they would cause her. They couldn't wait for the chance to meet her in person, to gain her trust only to laugh in her face and watch as horror dawned on her face.

  "When can we meet her?" the man asked striking a match to light his cigarette inhaling a large puff of smoke into his lungs watching as the woman left the gym with another woman laughing at something that was spoken between the two. 

   "Soon, we will play with her very soon." the woman said beside him a low chuckle residing from her throat. "Soon." The word was like a dark prayer a promise that wouldn't be broken anytime soon and it was what they craved, it was like a game of cat and mouse. They were the cat and she the mouse, quiet and oblivious of the danger that was ahead of her. "What do we do until then?" he asked his gaze never leaving the girl, he watched as her blonde hair swung in the air, the strands dancing like a ballerina, the wind singing the last swan song that the girl would ever hear and she didn't even know that she was a prey and was being hunted day by day and night by night. "For now we find others to play with. We will know when it's time for her. Until then we wait." 

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