Chapter 1

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       Hope placed her pencil down and sighed, the midterm for psychology was finally over. She was currently on her junior year at Bellarmine University in Louisville Kentucky. "Pencils down. Please bring your exams up to the desk. The grades will be posted by Friday of next week. Be careful and remember the curfew." Hope stood grabbing her bag and exam and placed it on the desk leaving the classroom. "Hope!" someone screamed her name, and she turned around to see her friend Luna rushing past people to meet up with her. "What are you doing for Christmas break?" Luna asked excitedly pushing her glasses up her nose. The small brunet was much smaller than her, she was slim where Hope was curvy. Luna was like a model, slim and looked exotic. Her dark hair and blue eyes and pale skin, but Hope was different. She had dirty blonde hair and green eyes. She was curvy when she rather be skinny but Luna was her best friend and knew that her friend will always be there for her. "I am volunteering at the rec center, and pulling extra shifts at the cafe." Hope said checking her watch, "Speaking of which I'm about to be late for work, so I'll see you before you go to Maine to see your parents." Hope hugged her friend and left walking down the busy hallway, passing a group of people who were at the memorial held for a girl who went missing a few weeks ago. Her name was Shay, she had bright red hair and bright blue grey eyes. She was a sweet funny girl who was somewhere out there alone and scared. When she wasn't found she was ruled as dead though she was never found which is why the curfew was in place. Though her town is small and was once a safe place for everyone until Shay went missing. Hope moved away from the memorial and went outside where she was hit by the cold air, bringing her back to reality. She was late for work, she couldn't afford to be late again especially during this time of year. It was cold and the cafe she worked at Cafe Green was the only cafe close to campus and the strip mall. Starbucks was on the other side of town and she didn't own a car to drive to and from town especially with the bills she paid, and the fact that she lived alone. As Hope made her way down the street to the cafe she saw people gathered around the TV store where the screens were pointed outside and the TVs were playing on the news. "What's going on?" Hope asked the old man she stood by, as she watched the news. "Another girl was announced missing this morning. They think the same person who grabbed that other girl is responsible." Hope turned away and walked next door to the cafe that was oddly quiet. "Where is everyone?" she asked her boss a man named Lenny. He was older around fifty years old. He had grey hair and a short stocky build and kind blue eyes hidden behind big rimmed glasses. "I'm closing up shop early today. This girl coming up missing makes my wife worry that you walking alone in the dark. I worry too I don't want my best employee getting hurt cause this creeper hasn't been caught yet. You'd think these cops nowadays would focus more on this than pulling over young kids who have marijuana sticks or pills or whatever you kids have." Lenny said ranting as he wiped down the counters ranting about the cops nowadays. "Lenny, I can't lose another days work, I won't be able to pay my rent this month." Hope said panic rising inside of her. "Don't worry dear you will have all your money in your check now, get something to eat and some coffee and walk home. I don't want anything happening to you." Lenny said sternly. Hope nodded thankful as Lenny handed her her check and some doughnuts and two sandwiches in a bag as she made herself a latte. "Thank you Lenny, see you early in the morning." Lenny nodded smiling, "See you in the morning miss Hope." Hope nodded and left the cafe and began her walk to her apartment building. The apartment complex wasn't fancy but it was up to date with everything and cheap not to mention close to her job and her school.  Hope made her way up the stairs and to her apartment taking her keys out of her bag and unlocking her door being greeted by her cat Snow. "Hi Snow," Hope said walking in and closing and locking the door behind her. Snow meowed at her following her closely to the kitchen where she sat her things down. Hope grabbed her coffee and bag of food and sat down in her small living room on her slightly used tan couch. She turned on her TV and saw the news was on showing the missing girl. "Authorities said that Amber Johnson went missing sometime last night. Her roommate said she figured that Amber was at her boyfriends house but when she never arrived to either parties house it was declared that she was missing. Two weeks ago a teen girl Shay Nickles went missing a local student at Bellarmine University without a trace. No one knows who has taken these girls but there is now a new curfew for seven o'clock. Be safe and if you see either of these girls please contact the local police department. I'm Leigh Anne Michelle please stay safe and have a goodnight." Hope turned the channel pushing away her food losing her appetite after watching the news. She felt horrible for both girls and their families hoping that they are found safe and sound. But there was nothing she could do except pray for them, Hope stood from the couch and grabbed her phone seeing a message from Luna canceling their nights plans which she understood. She hoped her friend left town soon so she didn't have to deal with this, mess and she hoped that things would soon clear up and this guy or girl is finally caught. 

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