Chapter 7

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      Hope sat up quickly her heart pounding rapidly. She heard crying loud sobs coming from all over her apartment. Hope swallowed hard and looked down seeing her shirt ripped and her stomach bleeding. The hairs stood up on the back of her neck and her blood went cold. She jumped from her bed grabbing her phone quickly, the crying getting louder with each step. Her heart was racing her hands were shaking she was on the verge of a panic attack and it was becoming harder for her to breath. Someone was in her apartment while she slept, had violated her and hurt her. For the love of God how did she sleep through that, she didn't think to long she dialed Heath's number. "Hope," Hope swallowed hard trying to speak but could only muster a small cry. "Hope what's going on?" Heath demanded the sound of cars honking in the distance vibrating through the phone. "Someone was here. W-while I was sleeping. M-m-my shirt is ripped I'm bleeding there's crying I don't know what's going on Heath," her voice ended on a chocked sob. Heath through out a train of vile curse words that could make a sailor blush. "Where are you?" Hope looked down at her feet her knees pulled up to her chest as she rocked slowly back and forth on the floor. "Under the night stand," 
  "Alright Hope, I'm on my way stay on the phone with me don't talk too loud, don't move unless someone is still in there," Hope nodded though she knew he couldn't see her do so. "Why is this happening to me?" she asked trying desperately to ignore the cries. She wasn't going to investigate the noise she's seen enough scary movies to know that she should stay hidden unnoticed. "I don't know I've never seen anything like this before," Hope moved her hand up her nightstand to reach for her gun but she didn't feel it. Only a sticky cold substance, her hand closed around it and pulled it free. She shown her phone on it and screamed, her hand was covered in blood, a decaying finger the cause of blood she threw it away from her still screaming she could hear Heath yelling her name but she already dropped the phone the crying was getting louder and the sound of her apartment door opening made her scramble across the floor. Her back hit the wall causing the things on the wall to fall to the floor. Pictures crashed and broke in pieces around her and tears pooled in her eyes. The light in her room turned on and Hope looked up her gaze meeting Heath's gaze. Hope grabbed the wall smearing blood along the white canvas as she rushed away from the dismembered finger and over to Heath. "Were you hurt?" Heath demanded calling in codes that she didn't understand. His arm was wrapped around her and the sound of sirens echoed in the distance. "The crying," Hope said her voice shaking with her every breath. "Hope," She looked up her eyes meeting Heath's tears running down her face. She didn't even know she was crying until he reached out and gently wiped away a tear. "What happened Hope?" he asked gazing across her room. Her bloody hand print was stamped against her white wall, her shirt was ripped open a wound cut against her pale white skin the dried blood making a vivid red mark. She didn't know someone was in her home, she had little sleep and in that moment she realized that anything could've happened. She could've been killed or raped. Hope swallowed hard as she slid her back down the wall pulling her knees up to her chest rocking silently back and forth. She hardly noticed the police as they poured into her small apartment their voices bleeding into one another. Yet she didn't hear them, it was a blur that she couldn't focus on. In her mind she kept replaying what could've happened. She was lucky to even be there, but why hadn't the intruder tried to kill her? It was as if they were just playing with her, she was the doll in a sadistic game and she didn't understand why. Hope felt a strong hand on her shoulder making her jump but her gaze collided with the last person she expected to see. "Kison?" 

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