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     Months passed and time healed the wounds on Hope and the other girls but their minds would never be the same. Hope would wake up with nightmares and someone was always there. She had moved on with Heath the two moving slowly together and her parents and brother moved down to Kentucky so that she could finish school and watch over Anne. The girl had been adopted by her foster mother and she had regular visits with her son and now Hope sat on stage her heart racing as she waited to be called to give her speech. It was graduation day and the entire town was there, ready to hear her speech, Amber and Shay were in the audience their diploma's in hand and she was close to being called to deliver her speech. She lived through hell and this scared her more than what she lived through. "Please welcome Hope Michels." The audience clapped and cheered her on as she stood slowly. Her heart was racing as she walked over to the mic. "Hi. I wish I could say that I'm ready for this but I'm not. I've learned that life is unexpected. You will meet people who will become your world in the worst situations. You'll see true colors and be hurt. I would know. These last few months have been difficult for not only me but for everyone. I've learned the value of life and of people, I've learned what sorrow was and I wasn't ready for it. But I couldn't have survived without the people who were with me. I learned that no matter what don't give up. Because when you do it's over truly over and it is something I'd never think to do again. That in life you need to cherish every day like it's your last. And this is just our beginning. Never look at your troubles like they are your downfall because they aren't they are a test and you have to choose if you will pass or not. We never know what tomorrow will bring." Everyone clapped standing for her and Hope smiled but deep down she knew that it wasn't over. Luna was still out there and waiting, but Hope would be ready because she knew that she could survive anything no matter how painful. She just hoped that it would end soon but then again that was wishful thinking on her part. But until then she would live, she would be with Heath and her family and she won't let Luna control her. Not again.

 Hi guys!!!! I hope you enjoyed this book and that you will stay with me through their journeys through life. And hopefully we will see what happens with Luna!!!!! Until then I hope you look into my other books and enjoy! Make sure you vote and comment I love feedback!!!! Thank you all so much!!

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