Chapter 12

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     Hope woke up to the sound of birds and the bright light of the open curtains, she was next to Heath who was sound asleep next to her. Her gaze traced over his naked body she bit her lip as she remembered the night before. The things he made her feel, his hands on her body, "Do you always watch naked men sleep?" Hope blushed as she met Heath's eyes, he chuckled pulling her closer to him pressing a kiss to her lips. Hope smirked against his lips but pulled away when his phone rang. "Banks," Hope stared at Heath as he listened to the person on the other side of the phone. "Okay I'll be right there." He hung up kissing Hope's head before climbing out of the bed pulling his clothes on. "What's wrong?" Hope asked standing the sheet around her body. "Someone confessed to the crimes, Crimson is questioning him. So I have to be there." Hope nodded as he kissed her head  before leaving the room. She stared at the wood and decided to go get a fresh pair of clothes and a shower before walking to the cafe. 

   "Who's room is this?" Finn asked the short man in front of him as he opened the college dorm room. "I don't know I'll have to go get my student reports to make sure," Finn nodded to the man and walked into the room stopping in his tracks his brother Anders beside him. Across the walls were pictures of Hope, videos of the woman in many different areas of town. Her laughing and with different people. "What the fuck?" Anders said his gaze moving along the wall. The person was obsessed with Hope had everything on her, her medical records her work and class schedules. "The man who turned himself in, this can't be his room." Finn said looking in the drawers. "How do you know?" Finn lifted up a woman's bra turning to his brother. "Where's Heath?" Finn cursed this was a set up. 

   Hope dressed in the bathroom stopping when she heard the crash on the door. Her heart was pounding as she realized someone was in the room. "Hope, I won't hurt you." came a deep voice said taunting her. Hope looked around the small bathroom and saw her phone she didn't have time to call for help, Heath and the other cops were at the station talking to the person who turned himself in. But in that moment Hope knew it was a set up she quickly went to the phone and turned on the video before grabbing the plunger as the bathroom door opened. She slammed the handle down on the mans head cracking the wood on his head. She didn't see him his face was covered but she sure as hell wasn't going down without a fight. "Fuck," Hope slammed her foot into his stomach knocking him to the floor before he could grab her, she tried to run past him but he grabbed her leg pulling her down to the ground. Hope screamed as his nails bit into her exposed skin, she kicked at him her hands digging into the floor as she tried to get away from the man. He had around a hundred pounds on her and he used that to his advantage. He pinned her down punching her in the face making her head bounce off the ground. Black webs formed in her eyes making it hard for her to see but she didn't stop. Hope saw a small bottle on the ground and saw it was her perfume and she sprayed it into his eyes sending him scrambling back screaming. She pulled herself up and ran out of the room her heart racing with every step she took. She went for the stairs on the end of her floor but before she could make a run for them she was pushed her body propelling forward. She fell down the stairs landing roughly on the ground. Hope groaned the taste of blood filling her mouth and stuck to her head she couldn't move her body hurt too much and her vision was blurring together as a hooded figure moved toward her before the world went black around her.


   Heath watched as his sister interrogated the man in the room his gaze wasn't on his sister though it was on the clock as if he were waiting for something. "Why'd you kidnap those girls?" Crimson asked but the man didn't answer until she asked him again. He smirked his yellow teeth showing in a sinister smile that made Heath's blood run cold. "Why are you here instead of with Hope?" he asked moving closer to Crimson. Heath cursed grabbing his phone as his brothers walked into the station. "Hope's gone."

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