Chapter 16

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      "Luna?" Hope couldn't believe her eyes, this woman was a friend of hers yet here she stood as if she had no care in the world. Her blue eyes mocked her as she stood directly in front of Hope. "Hey Hope, quite a scene don't you think? I was waiting for Lawrence to electrocute your ass. Man he is obsessed with you, I should've picked someone else to handle this because his feelings are just getting in the way of my plans. Lawrence!" Hope flinched as Luna called for Lawrence who walked back into the room. Luna motioned him over to them his gaze landing on Hope before meeting Luna's. "Yes?" Luna smiled it was a cruel twist of her lips and before Hope could blink his throat was slit his blood splashing over Hope. "Should we have a moment of silence for him?" Luna asked wiping the blood from the knife on Hope's ripped shirt before she cut her down. "It's no fun when you don't fight back Hope. Beside's I'm waiting for that hot cop to come, I need some entertainment." 
     "Why are you doing this?" Luna bent down next to Hope her gaze ice as she spoke to her, she was angry at her but she didn't know why. "You share a day with someone very dear to me. You over shadow everyone. I'm sick of it, Fred West needs to be celebrated! Yet no one remembers him!" Hope stood up her legs shaking with the little strength she possessed, her mind was trying to wrap around what Luna said, "The serial killer? You think a serial killer needs to be celebrated? Are you fucking insane?" Hope swallowed the bile that was rising in her throat, she felt weak, weaker than before. "He is my idol. My grandfather and you will respect him. Besides you are at my mercy," Hope went to push at Luna but she fell her heart feeling like it was slowing down. "Plus you're drugged," Luna blurred in and out of focus her words drifting out that Hope could hardly understand her until finally darkness consumed her. 

   Luna tsked at Hope as she dragged her into a small room with the others. Her face was covered so no one would see her, she didn't care about the other girls she only wanted to hurt Hope, but she had to kill them all. She wasn't going to risk being caught from a bunch of randoms. "What did you do to her?" Luna rolled her eyes at the small child who looked up at Hope, and Hope cherished. She smiled to herself maybe she'd start with the child but not until the first. She would finish the job Fred did. She had no other reason but to avenge her family, her idol. Until then she needed to get back to campus so that she could play the grieving best friend, she needed to throw off the cops, and she needed to do that before they caught her or she could play with them. Luna left the room the large door slamming behind her as she laughed softly to herself she was going to enjoy this more than she should.

   Hope groaned rolling to her side pain surrounding her body as she slowly blinked open her eyes. "Hope?" Anne's small voice drew her attention and she sighed with relief they were all okay. "We thought you'd be dead by now." Hope scoffed at Shay as she sat up Amber didn't say anything as sat in the corner rocking gently back and forth. "Hope are you okay?" Hope nodded at Anne blinking away the fuzziness as she tried to clear her head. "Are we going to die?" Anne's voice quivered as she asked the question. Shay looked at Hope before turning to Anne, "Hell yes we are going to die. You honestly think we are going free from this hell hole?" 
  "Shay shut up. No you aren't going to die Anne. I've got a plan." Hope said taking off her ripped shirt leaving her in nothing but her bra. She ripped the shirt in shreds wrapping two pieces by her bloody wrists and thigh to keep the blood from flowing too much. The cold air burned at her skin as she stood up, looking out the window of  the door. It was an old door that locked on the outside and she knew that at any moment Luna and Elaine would come back probably with other people. Her gaze followed the shadows as they walked closer. There were a total of six shadows so they got more people just like Hope suspected. "They have more people. They killed Lawrence so there's no telling who's coming." Hope explained counting each shadow as they dispersed only two coming for their door. "Two men are coming. They are going to come here and when they open the door run. Understand? The exit is down two hallways don't look back just run." Hope swallowed hard hoping they would listen. She grabbed Anne's small hand squeezing it to give the girl confidence as the door opened showing two unknown men. The reeked of sweat and alcohol and they held a dark presence to them. "Look at the pretty little thing." the bigger man said talking to Anne, Hope nodded as the man went to grab Anne and they took off. Hope kicked the bigger man making him drop to his knees and the other man tripped over him in his attempt to grab Hope. They were running  for their lives and the shouts if the men were louder with each step they took. Hope was behind the others her heart racing as she saw them make it to the exit, she was close only to be pulled back by her. Hope fell to her back being held down by the man who she kicked. His yellow teeth snapped at her as he pinned her down. Hope bucked under him focusing on the self defense skills she was taught growing up trying not  to focus on anything else. She fought him to no avail, he was bigger than she and he used that to his advantage. Luna wasn't anywhere in the building not from what Hope could see so if she wasn't here why were these men here? "Ahh stop," a woman said from behind Hope and it was Elaine. The woman had tear stains on her face and held anger, "You're a clever bitch Hope. They got away at least two of them. Shay wasn't so lucky. She's in the back of the building with Miko. Luna killed Lawrence. I take what's hers, good thing she left to distract your cop. This should be fun."  

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