Chapter 15

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    Hours passed with agonizing slowness as Heath got to the rest stop his brothers and sister with him. It was past closing time so the only person at the store was a young girl no older than eighteen years old. "Are you Detective Heath?" the girl asked meeting them outside, Heath nodded walking in with her. "I have the cameras the man didn't seem to notice all the cameras but she did. She made a point to look at them, it was as if she needed to be seen. I watch crime shows all the time, want to be a cop and you could tell she was planning something. But anyways the bathroom door is there. It's on the back." the girl rambled but Heath hardly payed her any attention as he turned the door and saw quick carvings. Heath had no idea rather to be angry that she was letting herself be hurt or impressed that she was smart enough to leave clues. "North, what's north from here six hours away. It took six hours to get here." Heath said they could be anywhere and it could be too late. "They could be heading anywhere," Crimson said as Anders moved through the footage from that day.  "The man's face is covered the entire time. I can't get a good view except for, here!" Heath leaned over the desk where Hope and a man stood, his hand wrapped tightly around her throat yet Hope didn't bat an eyelash just moved his hand away. Heath admired her control in which he would lack because he would've killed the bastard, but he couldn't focus on that at the moment. "Hope said they kept her and the others in an abandoned military base. So they could be in another abandoned building. We have three days to find them before they are killed."

    Hope slowly blinked open her eyes her head pounding as she glanced around her. Weird pictures were peeling off the molding walls, Hope tried to sit up but her hands were bound above her head holding her immobile. "What the hell?" she pulled at the old rope that held her down the rope burning her skin with each movement. "Hope don't struggle," Hope met Lawrence's gaze her heart racing with each step he took towards her. "Where are the others?" Hope asked glancing around her but they were alone, she was tied down and at his mercy. Lawrence gripped her shirt ripping it down leaving her stomach and bra exposed to his burning gaze.  "You're even more beautiful than I remember." His voice was soft as he ran cold hands over her sides, Hope closed her eyes trying but failing to hold back tears as shudders ran through her body, his hands were all over her body and she couldn't anything but sit there at his mercy. "You're skin is so soft," Hope moved as best as she could away from his touch but it did nothing more than excite him. "I saw him touch you. You liked his touch said his name," Hope met his gaze clenching her jaw, "He didn't force himself on me."
    "You belong to me!" Hope flinched from his harsh tone her heart stopping as he pushed away from her lifting up a metal object. "You see this? This is for shock treatment, we are in an old children's mental hospital. They would use this on the little brats to shut them up. I decided to get one for this very moment, I honestly thought I'd use it on Shay but it'll more fun to watch you suffer. Until you learn who you belong to." Hope moved away from his touch but it was useless as he grabbed her head forcing a mouth guard in her mouth the sound of buzzing echoing in her ears. The machine buzzed to life and he placed the cold metal against her temples, Hope moved away quickly but there was no point, she was there for his enjoyment but instead of turning on the electricity he pulled away laughing. Hope sagged against the ropes her body exhausted as he left her alone laughing the entire way. Hope spit out the mouth guard raising her head to look at the rope. She pulled at it the burns getting worse and soon blood began to seep from her wrists. She was utterly alone and she felt panic rise inside her at the thought of something happening to the others because she was stupid. For the message she left in the bathroom stall and if Heath would ever find her or not. "Help!" she screamed her body arching with the force of her struggles. "Please help me!" sobs raked over her body, the cold hitting her bare skin making it hard for her to focus on anything but the extreme pain she was going through. Hope placed her bare feet on the wet ground fisting her hands letting the blood cover her arms as she tried to slip free from the tight hold of the rope. "Stop struggling," Hope stopped her gaze falling on a hooded figure. "It's comically to watch you struggle." the voice didn't belong to Elaine nor Lawrence and deep down she knew that voice but in that moment she couldn't place it. The person got closer to her and slowly removed the hood, dark hair tumbled around pale skin and dark blue eyes met her hazel ones. Hope could feel her blood run cold, "Luna?"

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