Chapter 8

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    "Kison, what are you doing here?" Hope asked looking at her older brother his hair was darker than hers. A dark brown that matched their father's his blue eyes that of their mothers. He was a good six four towering her size five eight frame. And he stood there, in her apartment, his eyes holding nothing but concern for her. "Hope," Heath said walking up to her his gaze meeting her brothers. "Kison," Heath said inclining his head out of respect for her brother and friend. "Where's the officers I had patrol this area?" Heath demanded a man who could've been the age of Hope's father. "Detective we called down to them on the radio but had no answer. Went to their patrol car and they were dead. Throats slit," Heath cursed loudly drawing the attention of every officer in Hope's small apartment. "Did you check their police cams?" The older man looked uncomfortable his large gray eyebrows rose up and fell, there was a thick silence until it started again, that loud crying. Hope covered her ears the sound like nails on a chalk board. "What the fuck is that?" an officer demanded going through Hope's belongings, flipping her couch and tables. Hope swallowed hard standing she knew where it was coming from. She leaned her ear against the wall waiting to hear the muffled cry again. Her heart was pounding, she heard that cry before. "Hope?" her brother Kison said but Hope didn't respond. She knew everything about her apartment. The crying wasn't anywhere in the open. Then she saw it, her floor board was croaked, she slowly lifted up the wood and saw a small box it was a smart phone the light dim but she could see it clear as day.  That was Lina on the screen. Hope stared at it transfixed into it, like she was being compelled to look at it. Lina was walking outside with Anne laughing when two shadowed figures appeared out of nowhere, as if they sat in wait for the two. It was blurred almost as if someone was messing with the technology blurring it together to make it impossible to recognize the people but she could. She could see Anne and Lina, both scared but Lina fought for them but Hope didn't see what happened the screen went black the only sound was crying. Heath was next to her pulling her to her feet away from the phone. She needed to see the rest she needed to know why this was happening. "I want this building crossed off. I want that phone taken to forensics and the street cams checked again and again, we are no longer dealing with the kidnapper. There's a serial killer on the loose I don't want this taken lightly anymore. I want this to be prioritized close this area off to people coming and going. No one and I mean no one is to come or go unless I give them the okay. Do I make myself clear?" A chorus of 'yes detective' rang out as  Heath rushed her away from the apartment. Kison on their heels both men making calls but Hope didn't pay attention no, she had other plans. She would find the sick bastard that is doing this and she knew her brother and Heath wouldn't allow her to do so. Hell she was terrified just thinking of it but it was clear this person wouldn't stop until they got what they wanted. 


     "Please stop, it hurts," he laughed down at the girl as he pulled her hands above her head, her sad blue eyes holding tears in them. She struggled which made him laugh, she was like a mini Hope, but she wasn't his Hope which only angered him as he slammed her down on the ground. She cried out her head hit the wall hard leaving specks of her blood on the gray wall. "Shut up!" he yelled and the girl swallowed hard sobs ranking her small body. "Shhhh. Child it's okay, we aren't going to hurt you. Not yet we can't do anything until we have Hope. That's where the real fun begins. Until then darling I need you to be a good girl. Don't say anything or you'll be just like them," his wife waving a delicate hand to the other two women who were worse for wear. The girl nodded her dirty blood hair waving against her face. She was shaking which amused him as he continued to tie her down, counting down the days until he could have what was his. 

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