Chapter 4

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      Hope sat silently as Heath drove through the city, his features were defined and flashed as they passed under a street light. He held a powerful presence to him that made her nervous but also excited. "You are really quite," Heath stated his eyes turning to her for a brief moment before looking back at the road. "Not used to men outside of my family being controlling assholes." Hope said, looking back at the road. Heath chuckled the sound was deep and sexy just like his voice which made Hope blush and her heart to start racing. "Why are you so interested in me Heath? You have an investigation to worry about not me," Hope said. She never knew a man could care so much without having a reason behind it. Heath sighed and pulled in a small cafe lot. "We'll talk more over dinner Hope." Heath said his voice holding nothing but soft command that Hope knew better to fight on. She didn't have anyone to go home to except for a stubborn cat who only wanted attention when she was hungry other than that she was alone. Hope nodded and climbed out of the car following Heath who kept his hand at the small of her back, the small touch sending shivers throughout her body. When they walked into the small space that was dimly lit. The smells assaulted her, the smell of fresh baked bread and garlic made her stomach growl as Heath talked to an older woman who nodded and motioned for the two to follow her. She brought them to a booth and Hope slid in Heath sitting in front of her. "What can I get you to drink?" the woman asked staring at Heath, she seemed mesmerized by Heath not that she blamed her he was gorgeous. "A water please," Hope said as Heath ordered red wine. Hope crossed her legs staring intently at Heath who seemed relaxed and not a care in the world. "So why so interested in me?" Hope asked again. Heath sighed and leaned back in his chair the pose one of power, she knew he took in every little detail that was around them, of everyone that was in the cafe. Yet he was always on guard, "Kison." Heath said looking at her intently. "How do you know that name?" Hope demanded she should've known that her brother had something to do with him. "We were in the military together, I was honorably discharged and he gave me a call asking if I knew someone in your area who could look after you because all the disappearances that are happening. I told him I would because I was already on the case." Hope went to stand but Heath grabbed her wrist, it was a firm yet gentle touch and she sat back down angry at her brother, at Heath. She didn't need a damn babysitter she was a grown woman. "So you're my babysitter. News flash I'm grown I can look after myself God why can't any of you understand that?" Hope said through clenched teeth. 

      "It has nothing to do with you Hope, no one knows what's going on and with almost all the college students gone it leaves you more at risk. Those girls were grabbed at some point and no one saw a thing. No street cameras caught anything these girls vanished in thin air and I promised I'd look after you. And I will look after you so don't defy me Hope. Your safety is important to your family I don't take that lightly," Heath said and she knew he wasn't playing and that he would do anything to keep her safe but she also knew that he had to find those missing girls. Hope went to reply to him when her phone rang. She groaned and thought about letting it go to voice mail. But it kept ringing so Hope grabbed it and saw Des's name on the screen. "Des is everything alright?" Hope asked, Des never called her this late for anything and it made her nervous that she was now. "Is Anne with you?" Des asked her voice thick with emotions, the sound of sirens distant in the background. "No, she left with all the other kids why?" Hope asked turning in her seat aware that Heath was watching her closely. "Her foster mother called me said she never made it home. Oh my God, Lina!" Hope could hear screaming Lina was Anne's case worker, Hope stood her heart pounding rapidly in her chest she wasn't hearing anything but screaming and the sound of sirens. "Hope Lina, can you come to the rec center?" Hope agreed right away rushing out of the cafe Heath behind her not even thinking twice, in fact he was already on his phone barking orders as soon as they hit the road sirens sounded passing them up in a hurry and as soon as that Heath turned on his driving fast behind the cops until they were back at the rec center police tape was cutting off the road Des was with her husband crying and hunched over. Hope didn't even wait for the car to come to a complete stop before she hoped out and rushed past everyone. Cops tried to pull and push her back but it was too late. She saw Lina, laying in the cold her eyes staring directly at Hope but lifeless. Her throat was cut and her fingers were missing it was like a scene from a scary movie that turned reality. "Where's Anne?" Hope demanded to a cop that was near by. "Ma'am calm down." The police officer tried to sooth her but Hope wasn't having it. She just saw someone she thought of as a friend laying down dead, and a girl who has gone through way too much in her short life was nowhere to be seen. "Step back from the crime scene ma'am," that was an order from a tall older cop. He was intense and pushed at her trying to get Hope to turn away from Lina. "Enough. Clear everyone out now. This needs to be kept under wraps until we check the street cameras and I want them checked tonight. A woman was murdered and a child is missing. This just went from a kidnapper to a killer search. I want patrols on every single block, I want the curfew to be brought up to before the street lights come on. No one and I mean no one is to be out. This went from a kidnapper search to a murderer, no more risks are to be taken. Does everyone understand me?" Heath said pulling Hope away from the gruesome scene displayed in front of her. "Yes Detective Banks." the cops said in unison. Hope turned to Lina watching as she was covered with a body bag and Hope felt like this was just the beginning for them. It was going to get worse and she knew that it wouldn't be the last time something like this happened.

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