Chapter 13

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   Hope gasped softly her eyes springing open, she was moving she looked around her seeing she was in the back of a car in a trunk. Her hands were bound in front of her and tape covered her mouth. Hope arched her back tears burning in her eyes she could barley move and she was slowly losing oxygen. She pounded at the trunk her hands pounding away at the rust too hard that her knuckles began to split from the force of her hits. Blood seeped down her wrists under the rope that held her. She hit at it more this time with more force, her life was literally at stake she needed to get her hands free, she needed to get out of there. Tears ran down her face burning a path to the tape the more she struggled the more she panicked, she didn't know why this was happening to her, she was terrified but she knew in the back of her mind that it will all be okay. Well that's what she told herself. Hope swallowed hard and stopped moving turning her head to look through the small hole in the hood. The sun was setting, she could be anywhere and she had no clue she where she was or who had her so Heath didn't know where she was. Hope screamed the sound tortured and muffled, she was at the breaking point and she was scared. 

   Heath stood in the corner of the hotel room his fist clenched at his side as they examined the phone, the video Hope left for them to find. She put up a hell of a fight and the guy was a hundred pounds heavier than her. But they never caught his face, he was wearing a mask all they had was the video and the room full of Hope's pictures. The only problem was that the room wasn't registered to any of the students. No one lived there at least legally. "Heath it's been two days you haven't slept or eaten it's not going to help Hope if you're weak," Crimson said softly. "Have you gotten anything from the man?" Heath asked ignoring her concern.  "Heath. he killed himself today before  I could get any answers." Heath cursed moving out of the room and walked down the hall to the stairs. Blood was smeared on the concrete and he could only imagine what happened to Hope in those few moments. Heath moved down the stairs turning around the small area spotting a small object in the corner or the room. "What is that?" Anders asked reaching over to it lifting up a small camcorder. "Was it on?" Heath asked his brother. Anders turned it over a smirk playing across his lips. "Yes it was. It recorded the entire thing," Heath nodded following Anders up stairs where his equipment was in another room. The TV was on showing a picture of Hope, "Student Hope Michelle has been abducted earlier this week rounding the number up to a total of four missing girls. If anyone has any information on these girls please call local law enforcement." Heath turned it off and focused on his main goal and that was finding Hope.


    Hope groaned loudly when she was pulled from the trunk the tape being ripped from her mouth and the rope being cut from her hands. "You need to listen," a voice she remembered hearing before said. Hope glanced up meeting dark eyes, "Amber?" the girl shook her head her face bruised and bleeding. "I was told to get you, they're watching us." Hope looked past Shay seeing a hooded figure waiting impatiently for them. "Hurry up!" Amber rolled her eyes dragging Hope with her through an old building. It smelled of old wood and rotten food. Hope gagged her hand going to her mouth and nose. The building was intact but the smell was horrible, the sinks were falling apart and old army uniforms littered the ground. There was no electricity making the building freezing and almost impossible to step foot in. Hope looked down seeing a sharp object and pretended to slip grabbing the object and placing it in her back pocket it as Amber pulled her up. Her feet were bare making her every step painful, the hooded figure stopped in front of a small room and motioned the two of them in. Hope gasped at the site Anne and Shay were huddled in the corner fear written on their faces. Hope went to go to Anne the little girl sitting up ready to run to Hope but she was pulled back and pushed to the ground. "No! You said you weren't going to hurt us!" Anne screamed as Hope landed roughly on the cold floor. The hooded figure didn't pay attention to the girls in the room solely focused on Hope. Hope placed her hands on the cold cements trying to pull herself up only to be kicked in the stomach. Hope gasped in pain tears burning in her eyes, as she lost her breath. "Enough!" The sharp command stopped the hooded figure. Hope coughed hunched over trying to get oxygen into her lungs as she saw a small woman came over to them. "Elaine?" Hope gasped looking at the woman that was at the rec center. Her hair was braided in dark strands her eyes holding no emotion in them as she glanced at Hope. "Lawrence, we were told not to hurt them," Elaine said and the hooded figure removed the hood showing a man. He was at least forty with graying hair and a bruised face, "She's mine I'll do what I want with her." He sneered looking at Hope with a mix of emotions. "Lock them in the room you can have your fun but only when we're allowed to. Not a minute more we have to leave soon. I think we were followed." Lawrence nodded gripping Hope by her hair throwing her inside the small room and locking them inside. Hope groaned pushing herself up to stand and walked over to Anne. "Are you okay?" Hope asked the small girl looking for injuries only seeing minimal. The other two however weren't as lucky. "What's do they want?" Hope asked Amber and Shay. Shay snorted running a shaking hand through her red hair,  "They're fucking crazy. Do you honestly think they need a reason to fucking grab women and a girl off the fucking road?" Hope looked around the small room wrapping her arms around herself. "Where are we?" she asked. 
      "Old military base in Virginia," Amber said softly. Hope nodded and moved towards the door looking at the lock. "We are six and a half hours from Kentucky. Amber I think I can pick a lock if you can sneak away you could go get some help," Amber shook her head moving next to Hope pulling her away from the door. "We can't leave, there's no one for miles these people are insane they have others who come and go we can't over power them even if we wanted to." Hope swallowed hard the feeling of defeat rushing over her as the door opened showing Elaine and Lawrence. "Let's go," the two led them out of the room and to a white van pushing them inside where they looked to be sitting and taking a road trip but Hope knew better. 

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