studying together

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your guy's comments are too good lmao

and apparently Wyatt is an actual dad (last chapter) now soooo...



- ends up watching anime

- obviously ^^

- cuddle time 

Wyatt (the dad)-

- first ur actually studying

- "Wyatt I'm boreddd" 

- "but, y/n, we haven't finished number-"

- ends up making out 


- throws the papers on the floor

- BAM! your making out.


- "OK OK OK...1 + 1 is 5 right?" 

- "no Jack- uh yep. yep that's totally correct." 

- "YAY"

- he's just too cute so y'know, cuddle time.

- but eventually "cuddle time" turns into make out time bc...he's jack.


- bitch ain't nobody got time for studying

-  ^at least not when ur dating a hoe named Nicholas. 

Sophia- (its always a girl reader, just to let you know) 

- actually studies

- gets it done pretty quick

- watches Netflix lol


- doesn't study

- sneaks out instead

- still ends up getting good grades bc who the fuck knows. 


- studies like a pure bean

- you're a pure couple omg

- probably has better grades than anyone else


*sips tea and reads the comments*

*ends up spitting tea bc comments are just too funny*

- Angie :) 

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