Chapter Thirteen

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Thanks to the two people who actually read this story...

Lol, I might delete it. Feel like it's going nowhere. 

Enjoy this chapter


It was nearly lunchtime when we left Hagrid's hut after him showing us his huge pumpkins that he was growing and Ron nearly throwing up slugs on them. I haven't eaten anything since dawn except the treacle fudge at Hagrid's and I'm starving. I wonder what's for lunch? We walked back to the castle in silence except for Ron's occasional hiccup, he was only bringing up two very small slugs now. 

We had barely walked into the Entrance Hall when a voice rang out. "There you are, Swan, Potter, Weasley," Professor McGonagall was walking towards us and I gulped. What now? "You will be doing your detentions this evening"

Oh crap. I forgot about them.

We just had to crash a car into the school! Way to go us!

"What are we doing, Professor?" Ron asked and I could tell he was trying not to burp. That would be hard to explain. 

'Well, you see Professor, Ron's burping up slugs because he tried to curse Draco Malfoy and it backfired.'

Yeah, I'd imagine that won't go too well.

"You will be polishing the silver in the trophy room with Filch," Professor McGonagall told him and I tried not to laugh. Ha! Unlucky Ron. "And no magic, Weasley, elbow grease"

Ron gulped. Argus Filch was the caretaker here and was loathed by every student in the school. He wasn't a very nice man. And his cat, Mrs Norris, was even worse. 

"And you two," she looked at me and Harry, "will be helping Professor Lockhart answer his fan mail"

I take back what I said.

Ron's not unlucky.

We're unlucky!

Ron chuckled but had to stop because he burped. Knowing a slug was in his mouth, I smirked. 

"Wait no - can't we just go and do the trophy room, too?" I begged desperately. I hate Lockhart!

"Certainly not," Professor McGonagall said raising her eyebrows. "Professor Lockhart requested the both of you particularly. Eight o'clock sharp, both of you"

She walked away and I suddenly wanted to jump off the highest building just so I don't have to do the detention. I shared a look with Harry who too had the same expression as me, and sighed. We're doomed. 

The three of us slouched into the Great Hall in states of deepest gloom, Hermione walked behind us, wearing a well-you-did-break-the-school-rules look. Suddenly, the shepherd's pie didn't look as good. I played with it on my plate whilst I put my head into my hand.

"Filch'll have me there all night," Ron muttered. "No magic! There must be about a hundred cups in that room. I'm no good at Muggle cleaning"

I looked at him. "Are you sure you're even good at cleaning full stop?"

He nudged my arm and I chuckled. 

"I'd swap anytime," Harry said hollowly and I nodded agreeing with him. "I've had loads of practice with the Dursleys. Answering Lockhart's fan mail...he'll be a nightmare"

"Oh, so no much more than usual, yeah?" I smiled sarcastically and shoved some shepherd's pie in my mouth. 

The afternoon seemed to melt away, and in what seemed like no time at all, it was five minutes to eight, and Harry was dragging me along the second-floor corridor to Lockhart's office. I was lying on my back whilst Harry pulled my feet, my teeth were gritted together and I had a frown on my face. With a sigh, Harry knocked on the door. 

The door flew open at once. Lockhart looked down at us. 

"Ah, here's the scallywags!" he said. "Come in, Harry, come in, where's Bella?"

I wave. "Right here!"

Lockhart raised his eyebrow. "Why are you on the floor?"

"Couldn't be bothered to walk"

I stood up, dusted myself off and walked into the room. Shining brightly on the walls by the light of many candles were countless framed photographs of Lockhart. He had even signed a few of them. Another large pile lay on his desk and I groaned. He's so vain! Tonight is going to be a looonngg night. 

"You both can address the envelopes!" He said to us both, as though this was a huge treat. I fought the urge to scoff. "This first one's to Gladys Gudgeon, bless her -huge fan of mine"

Nobody cares. 

The minutes sailed by. Me and Harry let Lockhart's voice was over us both, with us occasionally saying, 'Mmm' and 'Right' and 'Yeah.' Now and then we caught a phrase like 'Fame's a fickle friend' and 'Celebrity is a celebrity does, remember that' and I wanted to punch him in the face. 

The candles burned lower and lower, making the light dance over the many moving faces of Lockart and I tried not to get distracted by them. Honestly, if the one in front of me winks one more time, I'm going to burn it. I sighed and stretched my aching hand and looked at the time, it's must be time to go now surely. Please let it be time...

Lockhart didn't give any indication that detention was nearly over so I groaned and flopped my head onto the table. 

"What?" Harry said loudly and I jumped up, my heart racing. 

"I know!" said Lockhart. "Six solid months at the top of the best seller list! Broke all records!"

"No," Harry shook his head. "That voice!"

I raised my eyebrow. "What voice?"

I didn't hear anything.

"That - that voice that said - didn't you both hear it?" Harry asked us both, staring at us with wide eyes.

"What are you talking about, Harry? Perhaps you're getting a little drowsy? Great Scott- look at the time! We've been here nearly four hours! I'd never have believed it - the time's flown hasn't it?" Lockhart said but I was too focused on Harry who looked scared. 

I cleared my throat. "Does that mean we're excused?"

Lockhart nodded. "Yes, you are, thanks for the help!"

I dragged Harry out of the Lockhart's office and down the corridor before he could blink. I found an empty broom closet and shoved him in before locking the door. 

"What was that?"

"I heard a voice!" Harry exclaimed. "It was so loud and clear - didn't you hear anything?"

"I didn't hear anything but Lockhart droning on and on," I shrug. "What did the voice say?"

"It said, 'Come...come to me...let me rip you...let me tear you...let me kill you...'" He shuddered. 

"Well..." I hesitated. "That nice?"

We headed back to the empty common room and I hugged Harry before heading up to the dormitory. Hermione was sat awake in bed and I sighed before flopping back onto my four-poster bed. 

"How was detention?" Hermione asked. 

"Boring," I groaned. 

"Well, I hope you learned your lesson," she said, "what's wrong with you anyway?"

"Nothing, just tired"

I had a very bad feeling. Harry hearing voices isn't a good thing...

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