Chapter Twenty-Six

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To say I didn't sleep at all that night would be an understatement. Whilst everyone else slept soundly in their beds, I was sat on the window-sill watching as snowflakes drifted past the window. Thoughts were racing through my mind like wildfire, and no matter what I did, I couldn't stop them.

Could Harry be the descendant of Salazar Slytherin? He didn't know anything about his family after all, they died when he was a baby, so there's a slight chance that he could be. So could he have been the open to open the Chamber and just not realise it? No, Harry wouldn't do that...would he?

'Shut up! Harry's in Gryffindor and Salazar was a Slytherin! It's obvious he's not a descendant!' A voice in my head said to me, but I remember Harry telling me back in our first year that the Sorting Hat wanted to put him in Slytherin, but Harry asked to go in another house instead. So that's another thing that links them both's starting to look like Harry is a descendant after all...

Deciding that I should at least try and sleep, I stood up and climbed back in bed. Hermione moaned in her sleep and turned over, not worrying about anything like I am. I'm having a panic attack just thinking about Harry and Salazar being related. Hopefully, this will all be sorted tomorrow. We will see Justin in Herbology and Harry can explain to him that he was only telling the snake to leave him alone and not to attack him. With that thought in mind, I slipped under the covers and closed my eyes, letting sleep take over me.


By next morning, however, the hope of speaking to Justin in Herbology wasn't going to happen. The snow that had fallen overnight had turned into a blizzard so thick that the last Herbology lesson of the term had been cancelled: Professor Sprout, who taught it, wanted to fit socks and scarves on the Mandrakes, a tricky task she would give to no one else, now that it was so important for the Mandrakes to grow quickly and revive Mrs Norris and Colin.

Harry was in deep thought by the fire in the Common Room, I was reading a book and Hermione was having a game of wizard chess with Ron. 

"For heaven's sake, Harry," Hermione said, exasperated, as I watched as one of Ron's bishops wrestled her knight off his horse and dragged him off the board. I remember playing wizard chess last year for's so scary... "Go and find Justin if it's so important to you."

Harry got up and left through the portrait hole. I looked at Ron and Hermione. 

"Did he actually listen to you?" Ron asked Hermione, shocked. 

"I guess so," Hermione shrugged before making eye contact with me. "Go with him."

"What? Why me?"

"Because if anything happens you're the only one that can calm him down," Hermione told me

"Yeah, two share a special connection - oh damn it!" Ron sighed angrily. 

I sighed, placed my book on the table next to me and quickly rushed out of the portrait hole to find Harry. He wasn't hard to find, he was only halfway down the steps. I caught up to him and he glanced at me. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked me. 

"Hermione suggested that I came, so," I hold my arms up, "here I am!"

"I'm glad you came," Harry smiled, a slight blush on his cheeks. "You understand me"

I blushed and playfully pushed him. "That's what best friends are for!"

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