Kyoya x reader: The Dark Power

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For @MejseFalkenberg, thanks for the request! 

I fought Ryuga with all my might, and It finally felt like I was winning!

"Get ready to lose Ryuga!" I shouted and hit him harder

Ryuga laughed, "As if, you're weak!" Then I felt all my energy drain from my body and then it was replaced by something weak, but it was growing as I fought. This was getting too much for me. 

"Hello..." I thought I heard it whisper. Then I collapsed.

I awoke in a hospital, my boyfriend, Kyoya was standing weakly next to the bed. He had fought Ryuga right after I did and by the looks of him, Ryuga really beat him. He looked angry. 

"Thank goodness you're awake. I can't believe Ryuga did that to you!" He was really angry. "You almost died!" 

"W-what happened?" I asked, 

 "Ryuga- he, he. Ugh! He almost killed you!" He walked over and took my hand in his. 

"...oh." I looked at our hands, Kyoya lightly caressed my hand. 

"Are you feeling better?" He asked 

"Yea, a little..." 

"Good." He kissed my lips lightly. "I was worried about you." 

"That's very sweet of you Kyoya." 

After a few weeks, I started getting better, physically, but my mental state decreased. I found out that a dark evil power entered into my body 

"Sooo... when are you going to let me take over?" The voice in my head asked, 

"NEVER!" I retorted, 

"Babe, what's wrong?" Kyoya asked me, 

"Nothings wrong! I'm just fine!" 

"ha! No you're not!" The voice laughed at me, "you will be fine when I take over, then we can take the world when it is handed to us! Hahaha!" 

"N-no! I-I won't let you! Leave me alone!" 

"You want me to leave you alone?" 

"No sorry..." Kyoya made me look at him, 

"Tell me what is going on." He told me firmly, 

"I-I don't want it to take over... like it did to Ryuga..." 

"What?" He looked at me confused 

 "T-the dark power... when he battled me, h-he must have gave it to me..." I started crying, 

"Aww the little girl is crying like a baby!" the voice said in a mocking tone, 

"I'm going to help you free yourself. Come on, we are going to find Ryuga." Kyoya grabbed my hand and we started on our journey.

We found Ryuga on a mountain, 

"Ryuga," Kyoya said the white-haired blader looked up. 

"Hmm, what do you want." I was hiding, I really didn't want to see him. 

"My girlfriend (Y/N) has the dark power, how do you get rid of it?" 

"...You have to overcome it, it takes a lot of work, but it is worth it." 


"You must remember who you are, who you want to be, don't let the power control your thoughts, as I let it take over mine. Let me see her." Kyoya urged me to stand in front of him. "...(Y/N) that is your name?" 


"Look at him, that is my former host... he was very powerful, but i'm sure YOU can complete the task..." The voice told me, 

"Don't be afraid of me, i'm not going to hurt you. Is the voice talking to you?" Ryuga asked. I nodded "What did it say?" 

"It said that you were it's former host, it also said that I could complete some 'task.'" 


"I'm so afraid, will it hurt me?" 

"It will if you don't get rid of it soon... battle your boyfriend." 


"You heard me, I said battle him." 

"O-ok." I got my bey out, and prepared to launch, Kyoya did the same, "LET IT RIP!" I called and let my bey fly. 

"Hahaha!" The voice cried, my vision became fuzzy, I couldn't see properly. 

"Kyoya is a lot stronger than you..." The voice rang, I couldn't hear any other voices, "You are going to lose... but, with me on your side... you CAN'T lose, not even to Kyoya..." then it took over, and started attacking Leone, as if (B/N) was being killed by it. 

"No! S-stop!" I cried. 

"Haha, this is your own doing... you will WIN now!" 


"(Y/N)!" Kyoya yelled, 

"Think of the happy times with Kyoya, think of your childhood, think of things that are good!" Ryuga shouted, I did as I was told, I thought about when Kyoya and I first met, (Insert some scene here), I thought about the happy parts of my childhood. I thought about the best times in my life. Then my bey stopped, and I collapsed, I was still conscious. 

"(Y/N)! Are you alright?!" Kyoya caught Leone and came up to me, along with Ryuga. 

"Be gone..." I mumbled, 

"Ah, here." Ryuga pulled out a blanket out of a bag, and laid it over me. "I hope that worked..." Then I passed out.

I awoke, and I felt different, I felt better. I was still in the mountains, 

"Kyoya, she's awake." Ryuga called, Kyoya came running, 

"How do you feel?" Kyoya asked,

"Better... I think." 


"Do you have enough strength to fight?" Ryuga asked me, I nodded, 

"Ok, I need you to battle Kyoya one more time." I nodded and got up, pulled out, (B/N) and launched, Kyoya did the same. 

"LET IT RIP!" I battled like normal, thank goodness! I after a little I caught my bey and ran up to Kyoya, "It's gone!" I cried and happily hugged him. 

"Oh wonderful!" Kyoya replied kissing the top of my head. 

"Thank you Ryuga!" 

"It was all you kid." He replied. 

"Let's head home." Kyoya thanked Ryuga then took my hand and we headed home.

Kyoya and I went on a date, he took me to a cafe, and we hung out, and had a good time. 

"I love you (Y/N), I'm so glad you are free..." Kyoya said and kissed my lips. 

"I am too."

A/N: Alright! Got this done, hope you like it! If you have a request please let me know! ;) Love ya guys!  


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