Yandere Ryuga x reader

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(Did I spell that right? Whatever. Im sorry if it sucks, this is my first... so... yea! Also Ryuga x reader x Kyoya pt 2 will be out soon I am having trouble thinking of ideas for it...)

I walked to my new room, I now worked for the Dark Nebula, the only reason I worked for these terrible people was because I had too, my parents were apart of Hades inc and wanted me to go to Japan to work for Doji... I didn't want anything to do with them at all.

My room was quite large, it had a queen sized bed that was fitted with a white comforter and white sheets, it was all white. I unpacked my things and went downstairs to the dining hall, people stared at me, I got my food and sat down.

"Sssssooooo, your the new kid..?" A man walked up to me, he reminded me of a snake.

"Y-yea, my name is (Y/N)," I told him,

"nnnniiiicccceeee to meet you." I nodded, he sat down beside me,

"Uh, w-what's your name?" I asked unsure, this guy is creepy...

"Reji." I nodded, I quickly ate my food.

"Miss (Y/N), your office is right by your room, you will begin your work here as a doctor." Dog told me.

"Yes sir."

"Ryuga is waiting for you in your office." I nodded and walked to my small office, it had all the medical equipment I needed. Master Ryuga was there waiting for me,

"Hello Master Ryuga, my name is-"

"(Y/N), I know, Doji told me." He interrupted me with a smirk,

"O-ok then, what seems to be the matter? Doji told me you were sick."

"My throat hurts."

"Ok... i'm going to need to swab your throat, take your blood pressure and heart rate." He nodded, I got my tools and wrapped the cuff of the sphygmomanometer around his arm, I let the machine to its work and cut off his circulation, the I put the pulse ox on his finger and checked his heat rate and SPO2. They were all normal, I swabbed his throat and put it in the machine.

"Alright so, you are fine, you don't have Strep throat or anything, just take some ibuprofen." He nodded, I gave him the pills,

Ryuga' POV

Dang the new girl is hot,

"So, do you like it here so far?" I asked, she shrugged,

"It's... different..." I nodded at her response, I guess she really didn't want to be here.

"Hmm, well do you know who I am?" I asked,

"Yes, you are Ryuga Kishatu."

"Do you know what my role is here?"


"I will rule the world..." I smirked, she gave me a confused look,

"...OK... have fun with that." I chuckled, I stood up and started to walk out,

"Thanks for the check up."

(Y/N's) POV

After a month Ryuga has been a very... interesting... character.

I was eating lunch when Reji came and sat beside me, I don't really like him, he is very creepy.

"Gggoooddd afternoon..." he hissed at me in a weird flirty kinda way.

"..hello." I responded. He kept flirting with me, Ryuga came in and sat on the other side beside me.

"Hello, (Y/N)." He said.

"Hi, Ryuga." We all talked for a while, Ryuga was being very protective of me.

Ryuga's POV

I do NOT like Reji with (Y/N), he doesn't deserve to be with her... an Idea popped into my head... i'll kill him! Tonight...

Night came and it was time, I grabbed a knife and snuck into Reji's room, I pointed the knife at his chest, "Stay away from (Y/N)..." Blood was EVERYWHERE, I gave a maniacal laugh and cleaned the mess. No one would know!

(Y/N)'s POV

Hours later

"R-Reji is dead?!" Doji yelled, He walked up to me, "There's a murderer..." I looked around the room, who could it be? I now hated this place even more than I already did, I let out a shaky breath. Ryuga came up beside me, he looked different, his eyes seemed smaller than they did before...

"Hi (Y/N)."

"H-hello Ryuga, are you feeling better?" I asked, he had gotten over a cold.

"I am." He smirked at me, shesh this guy is weird.

Doji came and sat beside me, "Hey, I want you to like it here, why don't you come and have a private dinner with me?" He asked with a wiggle of his eye brows,

"I-I Uh, s-sure?"

"Wonderful! How about tomorrow?"

"O-ok..." is... he flirting with me? Why are all the guys flirting with me?! I'm not that pretty!

"Then it's settled!" He slung his arm around me,

"U-uh, could you please not do that?"

"If the lady wishes it." He retrieved his arm, Ryuga looked furious. I hid my head in annoyance.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" Ryuga asked me,

"Everyone is flirting with me..." I groaned

"I'm sorry, but don't worry about it." He assured me.

"...Reji is dead..."

"Yeah... I heard..." He responded.

Ryuga's POV

Ill now have to kill Doji... darn this is getting real... she is so tired of all the boys flirting with her, heh, i'll get rid of em all!

That night Doji died.

(Y/N)'s POV

It's been a month and people are being killed one by one, it's all the boys... if one seems to flirt with me they will die the next night... it has to do something with me... someone is killing for me, b-but who?! I have noticed Ryuga's eyes have gotten smaller and smaller by the day...

"Hey (Y/N), I wanna speak to you, please come to the dining hall at midnight." Ryuga told me,


"Good." He walked off.

That night I walked to the dining hall. Ryuga was sitting on the table, he had a terrifying smile,

"W-what d-did you n-need R-Ryuga?" I asked,

"Oh baby, are you scared?" He asked, hopping off the table and coming up to me, he rested a hand on my cheek, "Don't be afraid."

"R-Ryuga?" I backed away.

"Baby don't be afraid of me, I love you, I did this for you!"

"W-what?! Y-you d-did what?!" He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I think you know the answer baby..." The creepy smile returned to his face, he pulled out a knife from his pocket.

"Y-you didn't!"

"I did it for you, you will be mine forever..." Tears welled in my eyes,

"W-why di-did you..?"

"So you will be mine, only mine..." He slammed his lips on mine, I yelped and pushed him away. "Don't be like that baby..." He moved to kiss me again, but this time he took his knife and plunged it into my chest, I screamed, he kissed me again, he smirked against my lips. "That was so worth it..." He told me when he pulled away, "Don't cry baby..." I sobbed and sunk to the ground, the last thing I heard was Ryuga's insane laugh.

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