Hugs: Ryuga x reader (rewrite)

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I groaned, tapping my foot in impatience. He was late, again. I looked at my phone, it was 9:45 in the morning, He was supposed to be here at 9:15. All I wanted to do was sleep since it was Saturday. But I was determined to get better and fight hard. 

When he finally showed he looked more pissed than usual. He was definitely more impatient than usual, which was ironic. Though I did my best to impress him. 

"No! Like this, I swear how many times have I told you? Keep your arm straight!" 

"Ok, I'm sorry!" I obeyed. "Hey, Ryuga?" 


"Is- um- is there something wrong?" 

"No." He snapped. "Stop moving your hand when pulling the ripcord, and stop getting distracted." 

"Ok, i-i'm sorry." I apologized. 

After our practice ended, I asked again and got the same answer and a cold glare. 

I walked up to him. "Why won't you tell me?" I asked. 

"Why won't you leave me alone?" He countered, "Piss off." 

I gave a look of being hurt, then rolled my eyes. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him.

"What the heck?! Get off me!" His cheeks flushed a bright red as he tried to shove me off. 

"Fine. I'm leaving. See you Monday." I said and left. 

A couple of hours later I decided to walk to the cafe where I worked. It was a beautiful day outside, birds were singing, flowers were blooming, on days like this, people like me... walked to work. On my way, I saw Ryuga sitting at one of the tables. He rested his head on his hand and just stared off into the distance, deep in thought. He actually looked pretty cute. 

"Hey, Ryuga," I said as I passed his table. 

He looked at me, his golden eyes pierced me. "What?" 

"Nothing, I was just saying 'hi' is that so wrong?" He just grumbled. I sat down across from him. "What's wrong Ryuga? Stop telling me that its nothing. I thought we were friends." He glared at me. I glared back. "I'm not a tiger." (Who can remember that episode???) 

He slammed his fists on the table. "Why are you nice to my (Y/N)!? Hmm? After all I've done why are you all accepting me!? Why don't you hate me!? Why doesn't Gingka and the others hate me?! I have done nothing NOTHING to deserve kindness so why, why do you all give it?!" He stood up and began walking away. I stopped him by hugging him. 

"Ryuga, they want to be your friend, we forgive you, we know you've changed, so stop rejecting us. I-we really care about you." 


"...I see you are hurting Ryuga, you are trying to find a place in this world, I just want to help, you are a great person." 

"... Get off me." He mumbled I let go. "Meet me at the edge of town at sundown." He whispered and walked away. 

After my shift, I walked quickly to the edge of town and found Ryuga leaning against a tree. He looked at me and gestured for me to follow him. We walked to a hill and sat under a tree. It was almost completely dark out. 

"Why did you want me to come here?" I was the first to break the long silence. 

"...Why do you keep hugging me?" He asked. 

"You look like you need it. I'm sorry I will stop I-" 

"No. Listen, im not great with interaction with other people... but uh... I like your hugs."


He picked me up and placed me in his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist, and placing his head on my shoulder. "Don't stop hugging me." He whispered. My cheeks flushed a bright red and I began shaking, was he going to kill me?! 


"I did need a hug, thank you." 

"Who are you..? Where is Ryuga?" I asked almost serious. 

He chuckled, "Stop shaking, relax. I'm not angry if youre wondering." 

"I'm-i'm sorry im just not used to this, especially from you." 

"Listen to me (Y/N)," He said  "I love you, I don't want you to stop hugging me, I want your hugs when I'm happy or sad or whenever I want to hug you when you're sad or happy. I like holding you in my arms." 


"Will you be mine?" He asked. I was so shocked, this was not like him. But, I had a crush on him and this was like a dream come true. 

I smiled. "I would love too!" I felt something press against my cheek, it was Ryuga, he-he kissed my cheek. I squealed mentally, and my cheeks felt hot. 

"I love you, (Y/N)" He whispered. 

"I love you too, Ryuga." 

~OK, so what do you guys think??? Do you think its better than the original? I hope you all enjoyed! I worked super hard on getting this one better and more of a story I guess?? IDK its like 1:45 am here so... wooo Let me know what you guys think!!~

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