Madoka x Male reader

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(Hello my dear readers tis I! Maiza! 

Hi. :) 

Hows it goin'? I hope you guys are good! I hope you enjoy this story for my male readers! I have never written a male reader so I hope it's ok!(Please let me know in the comments if I did ok!) ! :D Have an absolutely fabulous day!)  

I looked at her, the way she gets excited about the smallest things made me fall more and more in love with her. At the moment, she was studying in the park. Her favorite thing was to learn and she was very smart. I guess you could say I have a small crush on her, alright I have a big crush on Madoka Amano. The way her eyes sparkled, and the way she smiled just put me in a better mood. 

"Hey, (Y/N)!" She said, "fancy meeting you here!" 

"Hey," I replied, "Yea, it is. Hows it goin'" 

"It's going good, thanks for asking!" She smiled. "What about you?" 

"I'm good."

"Have a seat." She gestured to the park bench beside her and I sat. 

"So, hows studying?" 

"Alright, I've rather stressed lately with a big test coming up."

"Yea, I bet," I said.  

"So, what have you been up to?" 

"Oh, not much. Just school and work." I replied. I worked at a arts and craft store near her father's shop. 

"That's nice, are you still liking it?" 

"Yea, I am." I paused for a moment. "Hey, do you wanna go get ice-cream? I am not doing anything and I was going to go anyway and I thought you might wanna come. I'll buy." 

"That sounds like a lot of fun! Sure, I've been in the mood for some ice cream lately!" 

"Awesome! Let's go!" I stood up and offered my hand to help her up as well. 

We started walking and we got into a conversation about dating. 

"So, how are things with you and Gingka?" I asked. 

She hesitated, "He and I got into an argument and well, he... broke up with me." 

"That's horrible, I'm so sorry." I placed my hand on her shoulder. 

"It's fine, it was like a month ago or something. I just haven't talked about it. 

"You've seemed so happy though." 

"Yeah well, even happy people have masks." She looked at the ground I could tell that she was truly heartbroken about the whole thing, so I decided to try and change the conversation. 


"I just have had it so bottled up and I feel like I can't talk to anyone about it because they are all friends with Gingka, and I don't know what to do, so I just put on my mask and act happy. But it has been really getting to me." 

"You can talk to me," I said. 

"He's just been a jerk lately. Seeming all stuck up and cocky, and I don't know what's gotten into him. He started treating me like a decoration on his arm or something, and he never made time for me." 

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said. 

She stopped walking and looked at me. "Thank you, (Y/N). I can always count on you to be there for me." 

I smiled, "Any time Madoka." I gave her a hug. She was very tiny compared to me, but it made me feel like I could protect her from anything. "Let's go get ice cream." I took her hand and we started walking. 

"I'm over it though." She said. 


She looked at me and smiled, "Yea." That made me blush just a little bit. 

We reached the ice cream place and the sun was just setting, beautiful pinks, orange, and purples graced the sky, it looked just like a painting.  

"What do you want?" I asked when it was our turn. 

"Strawberry, please." 

I turned to the cashier, "I'll have one strawberry cone and one mint chocolate chip cone, please." 

"Ok, that'll be $4.99." He told me, I handed them the money and he handed us our cones. 

We went and sat down and watched the sunset. 

"It sure is beautiful tonight," I said, Madoka agreed. 

"How is yours?" She asked. 

"It is really good!" She smiled at me. "Do you like yours ok?" 

"It's delicious!" She smiled. 

"Good!" I paused, "Madoka?" 


"You are really cute." She flushed red, I chuckled, "adorable." 

"N-no! Stop!" She said. 

I laughed, "Madoka, to be honest, I have a really big crush on you... and I wanna know, will you go out with me? I promise I will treat you like the princess you are." 

She blushed, "I really like you too. Yes, I would love to go out with you!" 

I stood up, smiled and gave her a big hug "I love you, my princess." I whispered.  

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