Yu x Shy Reader X Tsubasa Final part.

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*Please enjoy!!*

After several hours of watching the boys beyblade, Ryuga came out on top, but Gingka almost beat him. We all parted ways, Yu and Tsubasa took me home.

"Well, did you have fun today, (Y/N)?" Tsubasa asked me.

"I did, It was really amazing to watch you all battle. I was quite impressed, you all are really good."

"Thanks (Y/N)!" Yu said happily. I smiled at them.

YU's ending.

After a few months I got really close with Yu and Tsubasa, mostly Yu. He is super sweet to me, and he loves to buy me ice cream.

A knock on the door made me jump, I opened to fine Yu.

"(Y/N)!" Yu ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"Hey Yu!" I said, my cheeks flushing a little pink. In all honesty, I had a crush on Yu, he was super cute, sweet, and fun to be around.

"Are you doing ok, (Y/N)? You look like you have a fever!"

"O-oh! I'm fine!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yea-Yea, i'm fine!"

"Ok, if you say so... do you want to hang out with me today? He asked me with his puppy dog eyes.

I laughed, "What do you want to do?" I asked.

"I want to go on a date with you! Will you go out with me?" He asked, holding out a single rose that I had failed to notice. My cheeks heated up more, I was blushing.

"I-I would love to." I nodded.

YU smiled at me, "Awesome! I have an entire date planned! I'll come and we'll walk to the places i'm taking you! I'll be here at 6 so be ready! Look nice!" He gave me the rose and ran off. "I'll see you at 6!" He called with a wink.

I looked down at the rose he gave me. It was perfect. A perfect rose.

When 5:00 came I decided to start getting ready, I was SO nervous, but I didn't know why. I took a shower and used the nicest smelling soap I had. I curled my (H/C) hair and painted my nails. I put on make up and wore a (F/C) dress.

6:00 came and I am a lot more nervous than I thought I would be. I was terrified. I heard a knock on the door, I opened the door Yu was standing there, he smiled at me. I blushed a deep red and smiled shyly back at him.

"Wow... you look like an angel..." Yu said, "You look beautiful..."

If was at all possible I blushed even more. "Thank-thank you..." He reached out his hand for me to take. I took it.

"Are you ready?" I nodded. We started walking.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"It's a surprise!" He winked at me. I giggled.

After about fifteen minutes of walking we arrived at a fancy restaurant.

"Are you YU Tendo?" The lady asked.

"Yes Ma'am." YU said politely.

"Please follow me." The lady took us to a table and we sat down. Yu ordered a hamburger and I got a saliad. We enjoyed dinner and we talked for a while, we learned more and more about each other.

Afterwards he took me home.

"Did you have fun?" YU asked nervously.

"I had a great time, thank you!"

He smiled, "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me.

"I would love to!" He smiled and gave me a hug.

"Thank you!"

Tsubasa's ending

After about a year, I got really close to Tsubasa, he was really nice to me, and he really cared about me. He made sure I was ok.

Knock Knock.

I opened the door and Tsubasa was there.

"Hey (Y/N), how are feeling today?" He asked, I had gotten a cold yesterday and I was a little sick.

I am feeling ok. I still feel really weak..."

"I'm sorry to hear that..." I let him it.

"It's ok."

"...Hey (Y/N), I have a question..."


"I wanted to ask... and I know this might not be the best time... but..."

"What is it Tsubasa?"

"Do-do you want to be my girlfriend? I want to be able to make you happy and take you on dates and take care of you... I want to be something more than just friends... but only if you feel the same."

I smiled at him. "I would love to be, i'm sorry we can't go on a date today, as I am sick..."

"I can make a date happen."



"But i'm sick, and I don't want to get you sick."

"I don't care, if I get sick, we can be sick together." He smiled at me.

"Ok, what is your idea?"

"We can stay in and order pizza and cuddle and watch movies?"

"Sounds good." I smiled.

"Go put on pjs."

"Kay." I walked upstairs and put on my favorite pokemon pjs and walked back down stairs.

Tsubasa had on my favorite movie (M/n). "I ordered your favorite pizza."

"Thank you Tsubasa." He smiled and gave me a hug. We sat down on the couch and huddled close to each other.

"You look tired."

"Only a little."

"Mmhm." I nuzzled myself into Tsubasa's side. He held me and ran his fingers through my hair.

I was about to fall asleep when the doorbell rang.

"That's the pizza." Tsubasa said, getting up. It was cold without him. He paid the man and got our pizza.

He came back and sat down, he handed me a slice of pizza. I happyily took a bit and cuddled Tsubasa. This was the best date ever.

I finished my pizza and got up to wash my hands.

"Hurry up (Y/N), I'm cold!" Tsubasa shouted. I sat beside him again and cuddled into his side. Then I feel asleep.

I hope you enjoyed!!! :D :D :D  

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