Quest 1: The Abyss

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The Game Master open his eyes, only to be greeted by darkness.

He knows that he is floating.


He doesn't know.

He saw a light, and made his way there. His eyes, colors swirling inside it like some sort of wave.


He brought his hand up to shield his eyes from the blinding light.

The Game Master found himself standing in a circle of light.

"Welcome Zen Myst." A voice said.

"How do you know my name?! Where am I?!" The Game Master, now identified as Zen called out.

"Like you, I know everything about anyone that comes here. The Abyss."


"A place where the dead come but Abyss is where souls have no place in both Heaven and Hell."

"Wow, nice to know I'm not needed."

"Not really Zen, in the Abyss.... You have a chance to be reincarnated. But it's 1/1500 a chance. Unlike in Heaven, you have a certain chance of reincarnating if you want to."

Zen sat down, crossed legged.

"So.....Mr Abyss....why are you vomiting all of this information on me? I don't think I have a need to know right?"

"..... I can see it. You're.....too powerful..."

"And what is that suppose to mean?"

"You can't be in peace, your existence is not suppose to exist but you can't be sent to your balance of good and evil is equal."

"Thank you for mentioning something I do not know...." Zen was referring to his existence that is not suppose to exist.



"There is a world where....your existence can exist.....and not cause trouble..."

"Hey! What is that suppose---"

Not even given a chance to finish his sentence. Zen was again greeted by a bright light before he felt himself falling through the darkness.

"Is it just me or does the world like it that I fall through the air?"

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