Chapter 2 People From My Past

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Chapter 2

We land in California. We wake up the kids and get off the plane. My mom picks us up from the airport.

She hugs all of us right away.

"How have you guys been?" she asks.

"Good." I tell her.

We talk a little more in the car. We get to my old house, Katherine and Pete are using Prim's old room and Peeta and I are sharing my old room. We throw our bags in our room. The reunion is tonight so I start getting ready. I got a nice dress and Peeta got a nice shirt and pants. We bought Katherine a dress too and we bought Pete a cute little tux. We go to the school where the reunion is taking place. I'm nervous to see everyone, I haven't really talked to any of them since college. We promised each other that we wouldn't lose contact but we did. We use my mom's car and drive over there.

"Katherine, Pete," Peeta gets their attention.

"Yes daddy?" Katherine asks and Pete looks at him.

"Can you please be on your best behavior tonight? There might be other kids to play with." he tells them.

"Okay daddy." Pete says.

"Thank you angels." he thanks them, they really are angels.

We park in front of the school. I'm nervous to walk through those doors once again, and see all the people, good and bad from my past.

High School Reunion (Sequel to High School is a Game)Where stories live. Discover now