Chapter 4 Walking By Himself

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Chapter 4

They walk towards us, I can't believe they ended up together. This is going to be awkward, I don't know what to say to either of them, we haven't talked since college graduation. They get over to Peeta and I, what do I say?

"Nice to see you two, Johanna you owe me five dollars. I told you they'd end up together." Thresh says.

Johanna rolls her eyes and laughs. Isn't it odd that they were betting on Peeta and my relationship status?

"I have to say, I'm shocked to see you two together." I tell them.

"Yea, we're not married, we are engaged but we talked after graduation and then we just, started going out. It was after I broke up with Gale though." Johanna says.

"Well, I am happy for both of you." I say.

"You too, so we saw some pretty cute kids outside, any of them yours?" Johanna asks.

"Yea, two of them, actually. The other one is Finnick's and Annie's." Peeta answers.

"I think that's obvious, he's a spitting image of Finnick." Says Thresh.

"Yea he is." Peeta agrees.

"See you guys in a few, we're going to go catch up with everyone." Johanna says.

"See you later." I say. They walk away. "Am I the only one that's shocked to see them together?"

"No," Says Peeta and I laugh a little. "Was it weird that they were betting on if we were together or not?"

"Yes. I was thinking the exact same thing." I tell him.

We stare out the door, waiting to see who else from our past is going to walk into our present. And then I see Cato, walking in by himself.

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