Chapter 5 You Don't Have Competition Anywhere

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Chapter 5

The only thing different about Cato's apperance, is that he's gotten a little taller, and a lot stronger.

Peeta turns a bright a red as Cato walks closer to us.

"Peeta," I start. "There's no reason to get jealous of a guy I kinda liked from high school. Who did I end up with?"

He smiles a little, "Me."

"Exactly." I tell him.

"I just, I don't have competiton back home." He says sadly.

"You don't have competition anywhere." I kiss his cheek.

Cato gets over to us. "Hey, guys."

"Hey Cato. How are you doing?" I ask.

"Eh, fine I guess. I'm in charge of my parent's company now, I own a mansion in L. A., and I live in it by myself. I saw those kids outside and I knew they were yours. Katniss, the girl looks just like you, Peeta the boy looks just like you. They're adorable, you're lucky to have such a great family." He says.

Someone's grown up.

"Thanks, so any special girl yet?" I ask.

"No, not really. I went out with this one girl, I really liked her but I found out she was just into the money, and expensive dates. It's hard to find someone who actually likes me, not my money." He tells me.

This makes me feel bad for him, he deserves someone great. No, I don't like him if that's what you're thinking. I just want him to have a good life too.

"Don't worry Cato, someone will come around." I tell him.

He smiles, "I hope so." he stares at me awkwardly and then shakes his head, as if he was getting rid of a thought. "Anyways, I better go say hi to everyone else, nice seeing you guys though."

"You too." I say casually.

"He is so still in love with you." Peeta tells me.

"Yea, yea." I say, not believing him. There's no way he's still "in love with me" after all these years. That's ridiculous.

We wait to see who else we're going to see again. Next to walk in the door is Gale with Clove.

They walk over to us, I feel like the world isn't balanced. I was sure that Johanna and Gale would stay together, although, Clove and Gale don't seem like a bad match. They actually have a smiliar personality that might just go together.

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