Chapter 7 Get Over Me!

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Chapter 7

"Hey Katniss?" Says Peeta.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Do you care if I walk around a little? Dinner starts soon so if you want you can stay at the table." He tells me.

"Oh you're going to go talk to all your ex girlfriends?" I tease him.

"No, I just know you hate these things." He says.

"Yea, leave me here so you can go talk." I smile because I'm teasing him.

"Yea, yea. I'll be back in a few." He smiles and walks away.

I sit at the table and I'm joined by Cato.

"Hey Kat." Says Cato.

"Hi Cato." I say.

"Hopefully this doesn't sound too immature, but it's been hard, finding a girl that is better than you." He tells me.

"Um, Cato, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but this isn't high school anymore. I'm married I can't just text dump Peeta and get back together with you." I try to let him down easy.

"I know, I just, after all these years I'm not over you." He keeps going.

He's getting on my nerves... I try to be nice but he's not making it easy... And now I can't hold back these words, "Cato, it's been almost ten years, get over me!"

He gets up and walks away, that was wrong of me to say, but it's the only way he would leave me alone. He's like an annoying pet, you're nice to it at first, and then you get annoyed so you yell at it. You feel bad, but then it listens to you. Peeta walks back to me.

"What's up with Cato?" He asks.

"Well, he was doing the things he did in high school. Where he says how in love he is with me and he thinks I'll dump you for him. I was nice and said that it wasn't high school and I can't just get back together with him. He kept going so I told him to get over me." I explain.

"Oh, you're harsh." Says Peeta.

I laugh a little. The kids come in for dinner, Finnick and Annie ask to join us and we let them. We all talk a little. It's nice seeing my old friends, but weird at the same time.

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