Chapter 1 - Welcome to the murder convention!

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As I am looking at these dummies on this set up murder scene, I cant help but notice just how realistic they are! Before I go any further, my name is Scarlett Diamond and I am a homicide detective for Plymouth Police Department. Also known as Britain's Ocean City. The homicide unit and the drug unit have been asked; more like summoned, to attend this convention. So now you know who I am and what I do, lets get back to what I was saying. ...The more I'm looking, the more I notice that they are actually real! Just in case I'm wrong, I nudge my best friend next to me, who also happens to be the best medical examiner in the country.
''Sophie, are you thinking what I'm thinking?'' The look on Sophie's face says everything, her bright sky blue eyes widened, her rounded arched eyebrows were raised. You could just about see speech bubble on her head saying 'they look completely real! I need to stop this convention now!'
I stood up and said '' Doctor Johnson is right, we need to get everyone out this room now! But nobody leaves this building, for we know this is a homicide and the killer might be here.'' I said loudly so everyone could here me, especially the ones in the back rows.
'PC. Jenkins and PC. Andrews are going to escort you all to the room next door, starting from the back row and working your out row by row so please do not rush out the door all at once. '' I also said.
Doctor Johnson went straight over to the victims. The first man was tied up to a dark navy blue coloured desk chair with grey duct tape, with only his underwear on; which is not uncommon for these types of cases. His ankles were duct taped together, his arms were duct taped to the arms of the chair and he had duct tap on is mouth. John Doe has platinum blond hair, that looked dyed with emerald green eyes. For those of you who do not know, John Doe is what we called unidentified males and Jane Doe is what we called a unidentified female. Anyway, back to what I was saying, John Doe has a tattoo quote going down his forearm quoting 'Never let your fear decide your fate.' The way he died was obvious, because he had a monstrous slit from ear to ear, across his throat. He also had a small circle like wound on his temple, there was dried blood down his face from the wound.
''Detective Diamond! My name is Detective Brody Rock, from Newcastle Police department, I recognise these two victims, they were transfers from Newcastle, along with me. I will be joining you on this case and undoubtedly many more. The male victim is called Patrick Howard and the female victim is called Lauren Howard, they were brother and sister. They transferred down here because their parents died in a car accident and they both wanted a fresh start.'' he explained
Detective Rock is such a handsome guy. His hair is a medium tan brown,that was in a man bun, his eyes were a mesmerising turquoise blue. It was like looking into a Caribbean sea. I had to pull myself away from looking else I would never of stopped. I love blue eyes, they have always been my favourites. Detective Rock was nice and tall, 6.3, I would say. I also realised he did not have a wedding ring on. BONUS!! He had a very thick Geordie accent; everyone loves an accent. The watch he was wearing was a bulky gold Rolex which seemed custom made, I have never seen a Rolex like that before. The suit he was wearing was a Dolce and Gabana suit, which was a matt black with a red tie; which I didn't understand, shouldn't he be wearing a black tie? His preference I guess. Detective Rock seems to be a brand wearer. His shoes were black but very shiny, shiny like a black glitter ball.
''Welcome aboard and welcome to Plymouth Police Department, let me introduce you to the medical examiner, Doctor Sophie Johnson.''

both of us walked over to Dr Johnson, who was examining the female victim, Different to the other victim, she was fully naked. Lauren Howard had pixie cut style hair that was dark red, it was a beautiful colour, she had gorgeous hazel eyes, and was roughly 5.5. She also had a tattoo, which was a feather down on her wrist with purple, pink and blue watercolours behind it, this too was stunning. Unlike Patrick Howard, it is unclear how she died, there is no obvious wounds on her body, that would suggest cause of death.
The female victim was lying on the black leather couch, but strangely, she looked like she has been gracefully placed like a sleeping princess would look. Her head was placed on a small purple cushion, that had ruffles around the edge, Her hands were placed on top each other on her stomach with a black rose in her hands. Black roses are commonly known as dark beauty but some people know them as death. In this situation, the rose symbolises this perfectly.

''Doctor Johnson, this is Detective Brody Rock, who has transferred from Newcastle, He's going to be working on this case with us. Oh and he also knew the victims.'' I said to her.

''Nice to meet you Detective, Welcome to Plymouth. Detective Diamond mentioned that you knew the Victims.'' She introduced herself and then in typical Sophie style, she went straight on to talk about the victims. Not saying its a bad thing because solving the case quickly is what we like to do.

''Yes, They were my colleagues back in Newcastle, They transferred with me. Lauren and Patrick Howard, they were brother and sister.'' He replied to her.

''Oh that's a shame, there both so young! Do not worry Detective, Detective Diamond is very good at her job. We will get the person who did this!'' Sophie said comforting him.

''So any idea what happened? I've never seen a black rose on a body before, a red rose, yes, but a black rose, never.'' I asked her

''I've never seen it either, but I defiantly know how the male victim died.'' she said.

''Really, I just thought the humongous slit across his neck was there for fun.'' I said to her sarcastically. I smiled at her so she knew I was joking, because sometimes Sophie can take things way to seriously.

''Your so funny Scar.'' Sophie said whilst laughing. Scar is short for Scarlett, not many people call me Scar except close friends and family. I don't mind being called Scar, the only time I do mind is when people I do not know calls me it.

''So is Scar your nickname?'' Detective Rock asked me.

''Yes, only friends and family call me Scar.'' I answered him.

'' So does that mean I can call you Scar?''

''Yes, of course. Your my friend now. Are you not?'' I said giving him a hint of flirting, with the twinkle in my eye.

''I guess I am now.'' He said as he looked away doing a half smile.

Detective Rocks smile is so beautiful, it matches his Caribbean blue eyes. I have a really good feeling that him and I will get on just fine, especially if he keeps smiling at me like that. The second he smiled at me, I could feel butterflies in my stomach. If you know me well, you know I don't get that often, so this guy must be special.

'' Well that's good then.'' I said whilst looking away and smiling a little to much.

I looked down at Sophie that was kneeling down beside the female victim. I could see her looking at me with her eyebrow raised, like 'really your flirting next to two dead bodies, murdered bodies at that.' Me and Sophie are the best of friends, actually we are like sisters. I would die for her, I really would. I know, I know, people say that all the time but I really am being deadly serious. See what I did there, ''deadly'' because were around dead bodies. Yes I know, my jokes are not always that funny. I'm one of those people that make myself laugh. If your one of those people, you know what I mean. Sophie stood up, stood next me, and slightly leaned in towards me, and whispered '' He's just your type and he is really sexy.'' then I started smiling,trying not to laugh. She stood that close I could smell the apple shampoo she uses on her hair.

'' I need everything bagged and leave nothing behind, because if we miss anything then the case might never get solved and we don't want that.'' Sophie said to all the CSU team. For those of you who don't know what CSU stands for, it means 'crime scene unit'.

''Are you ready to go back to headquarters?'' Sophie asked me.

. ''yes, I'm done here.'' I replied. ''Do you mind if I follow you back in my car? I'm still trying to get use to where everything is.'' Detective Rock asked me, and again he used that smile that gives me butterflies. ''Yes that is fine.''

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