Chapter 9 - Black Rose Killer is Done!

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Brody and I walked into the interrogation room, about to finally arrest the black rose killer.

"Mr Hughes your free to go....Mr Brandon Hughes." Detective Rock said holding the door open for him to walk out.

"My brother would never do anything like this!" He said walking out.

"Mr Jono Hughes I am arresting you for 1st degree murder of Patrick Howard, Lauren Howard, Victors Adams and Stella Matteo.
You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court.
Anything you do say may be given in evidence."

"Please write down your crimes on this piece of paper and sign the bottom, and write down the name of your accomplish. thank you." Detective Rock instructed.

"Are you not going to ask me why?" He calmly asked.

I don't understand how calm he is acting, how confident. He's sat on this chair so calm and collected, he is defiantly a psychopath, maybe even a sociopath. It sickens me.

"We will ask you question about your crime when you have finished writing your
confession." I explained to him.

Jono looked at me, right the eyes with a weird look on his face the started to write.

I Jono Hughes, in response to the charges held against me,  plead guilty. I confess to all 4 counts of 1st degree murder.
My first victim: Patrick Howard, my accomplice; from behind, knocked him out with her high heel shoe, whilst unconscious i duct tapped his ankles to the chair and did the same with his wrists, I also duct tape his mouth to prevent any sudden screams. I used a standard sharp kitchen knife, stolen from my fathers coffee shop and slit his throat from left to right.
My second victim: Lauren Howard. Whilst my accomplice stayed with my first victim, I grabbed Lauren from behind. I'm doing so, I forced her to swallow a cocaine bag; with the first note attached to it, as I enjoyably pressed my knife against her throat, making sure the bag would not go all the way down her throat. I was shocked to learn the drugs in the bag, worked as fast as they did because she only lasted a further 10 minutes.
I then arranged them both at the murder convention; making sure all the homicide and drug unit could see them. I finished off my act by placing my signature black rose on Lauren Howard. Getting into the convention was easy, all I needed to do was shut off all the cameras and both me and my accomplice posed as the buildings caretakers.
My third victim: Victoria Adams. Conveniently in the wrong place at the wrong time. I came across her looking for next client, luckily this went in my favour and it soon lead to me to complete my third act, copy cat act to my second victim.
Finally, my fourth victim; Stella Matteo. She also took my murderous fancy as she was coming out of her apartment building, she received the same treatment as my second and third victims, and in true black rose tradition, she also gained my medal.
The reasoning behind all my masterpieces can be blamed by the law enforcement. This is why I started off at the murder convention. I thought it was quite ingenious of me.

Jono Hughes.  02/10/2017 at 8:45pm.

"You said in your statement that the reasoning behind all your murders can be blamed by on the law enforcement. Why is that?" I was intrigued to know why he blames the law enforcement. We are the ones that solve murders.

"I got kicked out of the police academy just before I was going to graduate." He explained.

"The funny thing is Jono, if you were in the police academy, you would be in our system, we couldn't find you." Detective James said.

"If you used the correct name, you could of found me easily. And you call yourselves detectives." He answered all cocky.

"So what is your name? John? Johnathan?" I asked.

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