Chapter 14 - Alibis and Murder Weapens!

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After I took a very sad and upset Ashley to the holding cells, I went back upstairs to the offices, where Sophie, Brody & Clark was.

"I'm sorry, I know how hard it was for you to watch me interrogate Ash like that, it was hard for me to do it." I said to a very irritated Brody.

"I know you had no choice but I'm telling you all that he did not do this!" An irritated Brody replied. I could tell he was getting angrier as time went on.

"I believe him, we all believe him. But right now, we have to be Detectives and do our jobs, as well as proving Ashley's innocence." I don't know how I was doing it but telling him that we will prove his innocence calmed him down just ever so slightly.

"I should go and take his alibi, Scarlett, Ashley knows you better than me, would you like to come and take it with me?" Clark asked me.

"Yes of course, it will put Ashley as ease a little bit. Sophie do you want to take Brody and get him a coffee, calm him down a little bit. " I asked her.

"That's a good idea, I'll do that."

Just as we all was about to leave the office room, our lieutenant came out of his office and he did not look happy. A look of angry was written all over his face,  By the look of things one or all three of us is about to be in trouble.

Lieutenant Black was about the same age as Clark, which was 44 years old. He has been our boss for at least 4 years and the amount of times he has made sure Clark & I wouldn't get in trouble, just in case we didn't do things by the book. He was wearing an expensive looking  matte black suit, with a white shirt and a black tie to match. Unlike Detective Rock who never has matching ties. Lieutenant Black was roughly 13/14 stone,  and had fair brown hair that was slicked back, Nice and tidy, and very business like. His shoes were matte black to match his suit, and they were also very business like.

Looking at, Clark, Brody and I, He pointed at us all.
"You three, in my office. Now!" His voice sounded very agitated, very annoyed. His voice was very husky and gravelly.

We all walked in, wondering what we have done. I can not for the life of me, figure out what we have done, but knowing Clark & I it could be anything.

"What do you think you three are doing?" Lieutenant Black said to us as he sat in his very nice black leather chair.

"What do you mean, Sir?" I asked.

"Why would you and Clark, let Detective Rock, stay on this case when he younger brother is our prime suspect in the Noah Donovan case!"

"Sir, we didn't think that it would be a problem after we prove his innocence." Clark said.

"You should know better Sargent!"

"I'll stay off the case, Sir. As long as I have permission to come back on when my brother is proven innocent." Detective Rock answered.

"Permission Granted. Detective Rock, stay off the case. Detective Diamond, get on with the case & Sargent, go take the suspects Alibi."

"Yes, Sir." We all said the same time.

"Sir, is ok if I can still stay here and still be Detective Diamonds partner, just not help with the case, I will sit and just watch?? Please lieutenant Black, it will mean a great deal to me, Ashley is all I've got and I can't just go home and sit there like my brother has not just been arrested for murder. Please sir." Detective Rock pleaded with lieutenant Black.

"I'm not really meant to let you, Detective but permission granted...but if you interfere with anything to do with this case without asking me, your off the case and I will put you on a two weeks leave...without pay."

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