Chapter 3 - disturbing deaths!

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''what have you found?'' I said to Sophie as me and Detective Rock walks into the autopsy room a little while later.
The autopsy room was very reflective and shiny from all the stainless steel in the room. There was three steel autopsy tables in row, in the middle of the room, all with moveable bright lights above the table. There was a stainless steel oversized sink on the left hand side, centre of the room and light baby blue cupboards all around the room.
Sophie was stood at the top end of the steel table looking over Lauren Howard; the female victims. She was wearing a long blue apron scrub that went all the way down to her ankles and that covered her whole arm, and also was wearing latex gloves. Her mousey brown hair was put up in a high pony tail.
"I can tell you one thing, the killer is going to strike again!" Sophie said as she turned around to get a steel tray with some evidence on it.
"How do you know that Doctor Johnson?" Detective Rock asks
''Because of this... I found it in the victims throat." Sophie handed me the tray and what was on the tray a little bit disturbing and weird.

"Oh my god is that a bag of cocaine? In her throat? What does that note say I can't make it out." I said as I was looking at the evidence.

" I'm guessing the saliva smudged the ink?" Detective Rock asked Sophie

"Well done Detective. I managed to make out what the note says by putting it under the microscope." Sophie said.

"What does it say?" I asked Sophie in confusion.


"I think we are going to have a serial killer on our hands." I said in despair.

"I agree." Doctor Johnson and Detective Rock said in sync.

"That was creepy!" I said looking at them both.

As I was looking at the cocaine bag I noticed a tiny hole, the size of a needle hole. I thought that was pretty strange.

"What is this tiny hole here?" I asked Sophie.

"That is how she died." She replied.

"A bag of cocaine that was stuffed down in her throat  killed her?" I said in shock . "I've heard of people overdosing but through a bag is new one."

"did she suffocate on the bag?" Detective Rock asks

"You are half right Detective." Sophie replied.

"Then how did she die?" I asked in uncertainty.

"As time went on, the hole in the bag was slowly spilling out the cocaine in and down her body and because of her height and weight, she basically overdosed without putting it up her nose.''Sophie explained.

"that's a new one on me. I've never seen anything like this." Detective Rock said with a disturbed look on his face.

"I also examined the small round wound the the side of the male victims head." Sophie said to us as she walked over to the steel table that the male victim on.

"What was that?" Detective Rock asked Sophie as we both walked over to the table to look at the wound.

"A woman's shoe, specifically a high heel stiletto." She said as she took her own stiletto off to show us for an example.

"So the killer is a woman!" I said in shock and disturbance. "I personally think that the killer- as we have discovered is a woman, did not do this by her self. She must of had an accomplice." I added.

"I have to agree with that detective." Detective Rock replied.

"I also have to agree because a woman cannot sexually assault another woman like a male can." Sophie added.
"She was sexually assaulted!" Detective Rock answered.
"did I not mention that?"
"Sorry I must of got wrapped up in how they died." She continued.
"Pre-Mortem or post mortem? " I asked.
"Post-Mortem." Sophie said in disgust.

"That answers our theories about 2 killers both male and female."detective Rock added with appalled look on his face.

"I can just get my head around men doing this but it disturbs me when women do this also!" I said.
Honestly, it disturbs me more because I am a female, yes, I know that sounds sexiest but it makes my blood boil weather it's male or female. At least I'm good at my job and I know I'm going to catch these animals.

"80% of killers are male." Sophie answered.

"We best go and tell Clark." I said.

"I will see you in a while, text me if you find anything else out." I continued saying.
Detective Rock and I left the autopsy room and went back upstairs.
As I was pressing button number 3 in the lift, detective Rock asks "who is Clark?"

"Clark Laurence. He is our Sargent detective, we are like a trio partnership if you will... he is also one of the kindest and compassionate people you will ever meet." I answered.

The lift stopped and we both stepped out of the lift. Brody used his hand to point for me to walk out first. What a gentlemen he is. We both walked into the offices and thankfully Clark was there.

"Clark, I'm glad your here I was just about to come and look for you. This is our new Detective, Brody Rock, this is Clark Laurence." I said to them both.

''Hello, nice to meet you Brody, I'm glad you have been made welcome." Clark said to Him as they shook hands.

Clark Laurence was a tall guy just like Brody somewhere around 6ft, he had jet black hair that was gelled to the side like he was in the 1960s. He was wearing a handsome navy blue suit with a white shirt and unlike Danny his tie actually matched. He had beautiful brown eyes also. He was decent size weight maybe 220pounds, he never let it get in the way though. This man can run better than any skinny man I know.

Suddenly My phone just goes off and it is a text from Sophie.

'I know I'm not meant to guess but I have a feeling that one of the killers is in the medical profession because whoever slits the male victims throat knew exactly how to cut and wear to cut.'

It is not uncommon for someone with a medical background or medical training to do this type of thing.

"The lieutenant told me about the case.... what have we found out so far?" Sargent detective Laurence asked us both.

"Well...." after two or three minutes myself and Brody explained and told him everything we have found out. I couldn't tel him to much but told him the most I could, The more I told him about the case, the more shocked and surprised his face looked. I don't blame him really, this is a appalling case.

"So how long do we wait for another victim to drop?" Sargent detective Laurence asked us.

"We can't sit around to do absolutely nothing!" I sternly said.

"What can we do, we all no they are doing this to taunt us.!" Detective Rock replied.

"Yes I know that, but why? Why are they doing this? Is there a reason or are they doing this because they think it's fun and they get some sort of kick out of it! It makes my blood boil, honestly!" I could feel myself getting more annoyed and angry as I was trying to figure out their motive.

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