Chapter 17 - Ashleys fortune! Scarletts mum!

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I'm so glad that this case is over. I'm so relieved that we managed to find the killer and prove Ashley's innocent. There is one thing that I found in the locked draw. It was Noah's will, it also had another letter attached to it. I logged it into evidence then i kept with me because I know that Ashley would want to read it. Brody doesn't even know yet. I'm not sure why someone that is Noah's age would have a will but he did and I think Ashley will be happy about what is inside this envelope.

"Hey Scar, Thank you for helping me prove Ashley's innocent. This means everything to me and for that I would like to take you out on a really candle light dinner." Brody said with those puppy dog eyes.

"You don't have to do that but I'm not going to deny the candle light dinner. Also I have something in my pocket that Ashley needs to read. It is Noah's Will. Here quickly read it. Then I think you and I should take it to Ashley and let him read it because I think he would definitely want to."

After 30 seconds or so, Brody stopped reading the letter.

"Let's go Scar, Ashley needs to read this."


We arrived outside of Brody and Ashley's house. Before we got out of the car we stopped for a second.

"Are you ready?" I asked him, putting my hand on his knee.

"Yes, I sure am."

We walked into the house and saw Ashley sat on the couch, of course we was watching Rupauls drag race. We sat drown next to him on the couch.

"Hey ash. We did it, we found the killer. It was Jake." Brody said to him giving him a cuddle

"Why would Jake do that! Noah never did anything to him never!" He said with tears in his eyes.

"Here's why." I said handing him the letter and the will.

"You might want to read this's important and there's a letter to you inside."

As Ashley started reading the letter and the will I could see tears just rollin all the way down his face.

"Oh my god! Have you both read this." He asked us.

"Yes we have but I think you should read it out loud because it's all you have very wanted Ash.

"To my love Ashley Rock. As you can see in my Will that I have left all of the club to you. Your the full owner of The CockPit club. All the deeds to the club is in my home office in the second desk draw. The only thing you will need to change the names on all the paperwork is a judges signature and the will that is with this letter. The reason I write this will is because I had a nasty feeling in my gut that Jake would double cross me, but I didn't figure that out in time. I'm sorry that I'm not here to celebrate with you, I'm sorry that I'm no longer here. Ashley I knew the minute I met you that you were the love of my life, I know we only had a short time seeing each other, you worked in the club before that and even then it took me ages to buck up the courage to ask you out. Even though I'm no longer here and we will never be able to see each other again. I will always love you. One day I would like you to move on, even if that takes you years, I don't want you to be alone for the rest of your life. The one thing I know is that you will be an amazing  boyfriend, father and business owner. I will always love you! The love of my life. I know right now that you are feeling guilty that I have left the club to you because of my death but please don't feel guilty, please remember that I gave you the club for a reason.
I will always  love you, with every inch of my heart.

Love you to infinity!


Ashley started crying into Brody's arms because of this letter. He knew that Noah loved him and he now owns the club.

"Here is the deeds and paper work to the club and the judge has already signed it and it is now in your name, the only thing you have to do is out your signature on the bottom of the page, here's a pen." I said trying to help him with all this paperwork.

He took the pen out of my hand and signed the paperwork.

"Do you both know what this means, this is my dream, I'm just sad that it took Noah dying for me to have it. But I know that he would not have left it to me if he thought that I couldn't do it. Brody I finally have my dream! I've already decided that I'm going to put a plaque with Noah's picture in the hallway of the club entrance, so everyone will know who he is, even if the never met them."

"I think that is an amazing idea Ashley and even though it took Noah dying for you to have your dreams, you can't not feel guilty about that, he wouldn't want you to! " I say to him.

"On Saturday night at the club, I'm going to do a night of remember Noah Donavon, sing all his favourite songs, get all the drag queens at the club to perform and have a party for him. I will open it to the public and even perform and let the club know that I'm the new owner. I'd love it if you both could be there." Ashley said wiping away his tears.

"I've always wanted to watch you perform so you know I'll definitely be there." I said with a big smile on my face.

"I'm really sorry guys but I have to go to see my mum and my brother. Would you both like to come with me?" I asked them both.

"Sure thing." They both answered.


When we turned up outside of my mums work, Brody & Ashley we're quite surprised to learn that she worked in a pub; but what they didn't know was that the pub was a forced pub. That basically means that after shift or something, the police, the fire department, paramedics and the rest of the forces. Not many people that are not one of the 3 go in there.
The pub is called 'The Sherlock's Hat'. My mum has been working there since I was 14/15, so roughly 14 years. When my mum just started working there, the owner; Adam Vault, he told me the story on why he called the pub 'The Sherlocks Hat'. When he was a teenager, his dream was to become a police officer but he got in a car accident, his injury's that he sustained didn't allow him to pass the police physical exam. So, because he couldn't become a police officer, his favourite thing to do was read or watch mystery novels and his favourite detective, out of all the others was Sherlock Holmes. So when he opened his pub, he called it 'The Sherlock's Hat' and turned it into a forced pub. 

"Hey ma, this is Detective Brody rock, my new partner and his little brother Ashley." I introduced them.

"Nice to meet you both, I'm Helen, Scarlett's mum." She answered.

"You best have her back out there in all that danger Detective." She continued with a little joke. As my mum does.

"I most certainly do, Mrs Diamond." Brody answered as they shook hands.

"Can I have a vodka and orange please and whatever these two are having please mum?" I asked her.

"There on me, honey. What would you two like?" She replied.

"We will just have two beers please, Mrs Diamond." Brody answered.

"You sure can, and please call me Helen."

We all got our drinks and sat down at the table where my brother Teddy was sat.

"Hey Teddy! This is Brody rock and his brother Ashley."

"Hey, nice to meet you both. So are you the new partner?" He said as got up out his chair and shook both there hands.

"Yes Teddy, he's is my new what you been doing, have you spoke to the lieutenant about becoming a full time Detective with out homicide unit?" I asked him.

"I have and he said instead of full time, it will be part time because the drug unit will sometimes need me on loan, which I guess will be cool, floating back and fourth both units." He explained.

"Awesome, it means we get to see each other more, instead of every six months." I said to him with smile.

"That is very true sis." He said back.

Out of nowhere, my phone starts buzzing.

"This is Detective Diamond." I answered.

"Ok. Thank you. I will be down there as soon as I pick DR Johnson up because she needs to be there for this."

"I've got to go. A gun was used in a homicide and the ballistics matched another homicide that happened 8 years ago, it was never solveyd

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