Chapter 2 - Detective Brody Rock!

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chapter 2 - Detective Brody Rock!

''You like the look of him, don't you? At least now, we have some eye candy in the office.'' Sophie said sitting in the passenger seat, with a cheeky smile.
I am trying not to show that I think he is good looking or that we were flirting a little bit. Oh my god, his eyes. His eyes are amazing! I cant get his smile out of my head.
''I guess he is good looking, if your into that sort of human.'' I said to her trying not to be awkward.
''The dapper, handsome, gorgeous type of human.'' Sophie replies to me.
The thing is, I know he is dapper, handsome and gorgeous! I just don't want to let anyone see that yet. I mean I just met the guy for goodness sake. I'll tell Sophie eventually, just not now, anyway, I have a feeling she already knows that I think he is good looking, especially after catching us flirting at the murder scene. She knows me inside and out, back to front, upside down, the right way up. Inside I am really exited to be working with him. My old partner Detective Justin Stone retired two months ago. Of course I miss him, Justin was the best partner I have ever had. He had to put up with a lot, especially when it was my time of the month. I just think it would be nice to have a new partner and most properly a good friend too. The only problem is when I have my moody days, I'm hoping Brody will take it lightly.

''yes, that sort of human.'' I said with slight laugh.

''Anyway, back to the case. The small circle wound on the male victims temple is really puzzling me. In 10 years in the force, I have never seen a wound like that. What do you think it is?'' Trying to get of the subject of Brody I asked Sophie about the case.

''I have to wait till..'' I interrupted her

''you do the autopsy.''

Sophie is amazing at her job, as I said before she is the best medical examiner in the country but sometimes she is very précis and loves to be perfect. I get that she likes to be perfect in the cases but she does it in her personal life as well. She is beautiful though. She has amazing mousy brown straight hair that is down to her chest. She wears the most amazing fun dresses. Fun fact about Sophie, you will never see her wearing all black.

After about 15 minutes we got back to headquarters. Me and Sophie got out of our car, two seconds after so did Detective Rock.

''did you follow us OK?'' I asked him.

''yes, thank you.'' Detective Rock replied politely.

''Come, follow me, I'll show you upstairs and introduce to the rest of the squad.'' I said to him.

We walked up the stairs and into the lobby, on the way to the elevators, we bumped into my old partner Detective Justin Stone.

''Hey, Scar how are you doing?'' Justin asked me.

''hey, I'm fine, what are you doing here? Did you miss me to much?'' I answered him with a cheeky typical me answer.

''I've just come to pick up a few things I left behind. I do miss you, not enough to come back to work though.'' he said with a laugh.

''This is my new partner Detective Brody Rock, Brody Rock meet Justin Stone my old partner.

'' Nice to meet you Detective.'' Brody said to Justin.

''You to detective.'' Justin said to Brody as they both shook hands

''We have to go, we got a big case but I will call you later.'' I said to Justin.

''Yeah sure, Rain check? Come over to mine and bring Brody and Sophie, have some wine and some beers?'' Justin replied.

''Sure, see you soon.'' We hugged, Brody shook his hand and we pressed the elevator button.

Sophie goes in the first elevator that goes down to the lab and autopsy room and Brody and I take the second elevator going up to the office and analyst room.

''Our office is on the 3rd floor.'' I said to Brody as I pressed button number 3.

whilst we were in the elevator, going up to the office, I could see Brody using his eyes to slightly look at me without trying to move his head. I'm glad he is looking at me like that. He is the most perfect human I have ever met. I'm defiantly going to play it cool and hard to get because I've only just met the guy.

''here we are, the office is just through this door around this wall.''

''you will be getting my old partners desk too, so you get your own space which will be a lot easier for everyone.'' I said as we walked into the office.

Detective Brody Rocks desk was a medium wood that was made out of mahogany, he had his computer on the right side of the desk , with the keyboard in front of the computer screen. His name tag was at the front of his desk and was made out of metal. My lieutenant turned the part for me because he is sat opposite me! Maybe I should take the 'eye candy' comment that Sophie said seriously. Now I can look at him without an excuse! Booming!! I mean he is the first guy that has taken my fancy in a long time! Knowing Sophie she will eventually tell me ''I told you so''.

''So where in Plymouth do you live? Plymouth is a big place to some people.'' I asked Brody.

''I live in a town house up on the Hoe. It is a stunning place! From my window I can see the hole of the stunning water. It is absolutely beautiful! Since I've been down here, I take a walk every night along the hoe promenade by the lighthouse. Sometimes I will even go down to the sea, take my shoes and socks off and dip my feet in the water, most nights the sea shimmers under the bright moonlight. I will stay up there for hours, it is one of the most amazing places I have ever seen; and I have been a lot of places.'' Brody described Plymouth to me and I one hundred percent agree with him.

I love living here, The view out of your window if your near the country side is so stunning, so picturesque. Half of my pictures of my phone are of the views of Plymouth, weather that's the country side or the hoe.

''I can imagine. I love to take pictures of the hoe, and the countryside. I guess you get the best of both worlds when you live here. On one side you get the countryside, Dartmoor and green surroundings and on the other side you get the big city, the loud noise of a city and the great big beautiful buildings.'' I answered him.

''Thank you for making me feel welcome, its hard moving to a new city, especially one that is 400 miles away. I do miss Newcastle but I will get use to be away from there.'' Brody thanked me.

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