Chapter 6 - the nearly moment!

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''Scarlett Samantha Diamond I'm to good for you! Your never going to catch me! I'm watching you, watching what your doing! My advice to you careful!'

"Oh my god!" In terror I said as I dropped my phone of my lap, my body went tense, I froze and I couldn't move my hands!

"What? What's wrong?" Brody asked me in panic!

"I think the killer just texted me." I was so scared. I've been a homicide detective for a while now and never had anything like this so it was a bit of shock!

"What!" Brody pulled the car over and put the hazards on.

"Let me see!" Brody said as he picked up my phone.

"What's going on guys?" Ruby asked nervously.
"Nothing don't worry about me I'll be fine." I answered. I was definitely not fine! I'm not the type of person to show it, but I was terrified.

"You are not fine! And I am not letting you go home alone! Not after this text! Your coming home with us!" Brody said as he gave me my phone back!

"No, I'll be fine honestly." I answered. I'm definitely not being honest right now.

"I'm not taking no for an answer!" Brody persisted. I don't think I really had a choice because Brody started the car back up and started to drive to his house.

We pulled up outside his house and it was a white beautiful town house, it was white with red doors and window frames.

"Here we are." Brody said to me as he turned the engine off.

"It's beautiful." I said as we all took our belts off and got out the car.

"Have you got your keys handy Ash?" Brody asked Ash.

"Yeah there in my purse, here you go." He said as he got his keys out his white clutch purse and gave them to Brody

We walked in and there was pictures on the walls of Brody, Ash and I'm guessing his parents, the couch was black velvet and there was a 48inch television on a black tv stand.
"I'm going bed and taking ruby off, night guys." Ashley said to Us.
"Night Ash." We both said in sync.

"You can have my bed, I'll sleep on the couch." Brody turned and said to me.

"No, that's fine, I'll stay on the couch, I don't mind." I replied to him.

"I want to show you something." He quickly changed the subject, thinking I wouldn't notice.

He took my hand and we walked through the living room, and up the wide stairway......why is he taking me upstairs?i know I want things to happen but this is very weird.

"Is this the way your going to show me your bedroom, very subtle." I used my flirtatious voice and smile.

"We going to my bedroom, but not for that reason, beautiful.... sorry to disappoint." Now he is being flirtatious. If he carry's on being like this I'm going to do something I don't want to right now.

Oh my god! He has never called me beautiful before, I have gone week at the knees, my stomach suddenly filled with butterflies! Forgot butterflies, I think I have the whole damn zoo inside me! My smile just got extremely bigger, I just couldn't stop myself from smiling. I've never really been man crazy, not even when I was a teenager, but this man seems to do something to me, it's like I'm hypnotised when I'm around him!

"Here take a look." Brody  said as he took my hand and directed me to the window!

Oh my god! The view is amazing, you can see the light house, Drakes Island, the break water. The water was shimmering and reflecting from the dark sparkling night sky, i can hear the water washing and breaking up against the rocks, I can smell the fresh sea salt air, I can just about taste the sea salt. All the years I have lived here, I have never realised how stunning this view is, I never understood how just the view of water can be so extraordinary, so phenomenal! I didn't realise until I stopped concentrating that Brody had been standing behind me and had his hands on my hips this whole time!  He started to move my light coffee brown hair away from neck, I could feel him getting closer, I could feel his warm breath against my skin, then it happened! He kissed my neck, I slightly moved my neck sideways so it way easier for him! His lips were so soft, his kisses were gentle! I turned around so I was facing him, and for a serval seconds we were staring into each others eyes, those eyes are mesmerising, the most bright sky blue I have ever seen. He lent in towards me, I lent i towards him and finally his lips touched mine, we kept kissing for a couple seconds, but I don't know what came over me because I pulled away! I don't know why but something in my head was telling me to stop! Something was telling me that this was a very bad idea! As much as I wanted to, I couldn't!

"I'm sorry, I can't, not right now anyway." I said to him as I hung my head in shame.
"Don't been sorry, I understand, I'm just so happy that we had even the littlest of moments!" He said has he used fingers to hold my chin up, so I was staring at him.

"I'm going to go get some sleep, we'll try to anyway. Again, I am sorry. One day, just not today." I said as I starting to slowly walk out his door!

As I was walking down his stairs and back through his living room. I was just about kicking myself for not letting that go any further. Inside I knew feels the right thing to do, especially because of what is going on with black rose killer. I'm pretty sure it was my conscious telling me mainly because of the text I got. I'm so glad that Brody and Ashley persuaded me to stay here, the only thing is, I don't want to put them in danger,  mostly Ashley because he is not even in the law enforcement, if something happened to him, he would not know what to do! I admire how close Ashley and Brody are. They remind me of me and my brother Teddy.
Teddy is also in the law enforcement, he is in the drug unit. Currently undercover, trying to bust a gang called 'HD hunters'. Of course he has to be careful, he is in danger everyday because of it. I remember once, Teddy telling me that 'HD' sands for Harley Davidson, which makes sense since they are a motorbike gang. Once I had to arrest Teddy but I had to call him by his undercover name which was 'Hayden Shark'. This was in front of most of the HD Hunters, thankfully our acting was good because they didn't catch on to Him. If they did, Teddy would be in an extremely amount of danger, which would probably result in Him getting killed, I don't even like to think about it. It's my fault that Teddy went to the police academy, even when we were little He wanted to do everything I did, it was a annoying sometimes but I like the fact that I can inspire someone even if it someone very close to me.

Finally I managed to get a couple hours of sleep.
It's morning now and as I'm waking up in can smell, bacon, eggs, sausages and hash browns. Someone is cooking and it smells delicious.
As I stand up from the sofa, I see Danny in the kitchen, cooking up a fry up.

"Hey! Your awake, your breakfast is ready." Brody said as he put my breakfast on his breakfast bar.

"It smells gorgeous." I said as I sat on the stool.

"And it tastes even better, if I do say so myself."

"About last night..."

"Don't worry about it... I told you last night, I understand, maybe after we catch the black rose killer, we can start from the beginning." He said after interrupting me.

"We got work in 30 minutes, so are you ready?" I tried changing the subject as quickly as I could.

"Yes, lets go beautiful." He  picked up his keys from the key dish by the front door and we left for work.

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