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Oh God!!! 116 views just for prolouge. These yhmians are rockers. I'm thrilled with such an awesome reaction and I hope I will able to receive same. Well I was not in mood to update so soon as I'm quite busy with other stuffs but seeing your love I decided to present part one. Trust me my other fiction didn't recoded such views even after 8 chapters. Anyway leave it. I hope RAABTA will able to get such love in future too. Here is next part read and share your views with me and if you have time then check my other two fictions too. It will motivate me.

I wiped my tears and composed myself. I decided to leave my room now. This room, loneliness was suffocating me now. I started to take slow steps and reached in the corridor of the second floor of our bungalow. The bungalow which used to echo with giggles of Bhalla family was surrounded with mourns. I felt like to yell over everyone but I chose to stay calm. I started to take slow steps on stairs to reach in hall. My whole family were sat over sofas. My Amma and Mummy ji were weeping silently while my Father in law and Appa were talking continously to someone over phone.

The shock was so big in itself that it consumed everyone and no one saw me coming downstairs. Soon my attention went on the news headlines and the news broke a piece of my faith again,

Flight No 2069 LONDON- DELHI crashed last night after taking off from Heathrow Airport. According to the reports all the 780 passengers died in aircrash and there is no chances of survivalYoungest Business Tycoon Raman Kumar Bhalla who took early flight for India also lost his life in aircrash.

"Neelu......turn off this damn TV and no one will switch this crappy news" I glared my family members who was staring towards me with shocked gaze. There teary eyes were makimg me sad but they need to stop believing over a crappy newws.  I was about to go upstairs when my mother in law came and stopped me. Her tears struck face cringed my heart. I averted my gaze from her and sobbed silently.

"Puttar why you came downstairs? You should take rest"

"So that you all will able to mourn over something which didn't even happened"

"Kanna please...."

"Please Amma. Try to understand my words. Nothing could happen to Raman. He must be fine. I know. My heart knew it" I tried hard not to cry but with each word tears were slipping out from my eyes. I looked at other side and found my father in law who was almost crying. His eyes were full of sympathy for me but trust me I don't want anything for them especially sympathy. I leaned back over sofa and closed my eyes. I could feel my Amma touch who was caressing my head where Mummy ji was caressing my belly. This all was depressing for me and all I wanted to escape from this mess now.

"Ishu how are you?" I opened my eyes hearing the voice I yearned for. Vandita Akka and Bala Jiju were finally came here. I exchanged weak smile with Bala Jiju who sat near me and hugged me. Bala Jiju always stood as pillar for me in hard times and that's why I always consider him as my positive pillar. Without sparing glance to others,  I stood up by taking help of jiju and declared, "I'm going upstairs and remember nothing will happen to my husband. He will come back"


"Ishita eat this." I opened my mouth and jiju fed me another slice of apple. I looked him with emphasis eyes and questioned him, "You also believed over false news? Right?"

"No Ishu. I didn't. I know your macho love you so much and he won't leave you."

"I trust him Jiju but it started to scare me now. It's been 36 hours since Raman plane crashed but we got no information of his yet"

"Mihir went to meet Abhi. Hopefully we will got some positive news. It's heavy snowfall in London which is making hard for us to contact" I sighed with defeat and closed my eyes after wiping my mouth. The feeling not having him around me started to kill me now. I hate to proved wrong and Ravan Kumar is aware with this thing.

I sighted and closed my eyes feeling fatigue. The dull faces from everyone and the dead silence from family members was unbearable for me and it almost made me feel like to throw up. Bala Jiju sensed my uneasiness and helped me in laying down.

"Ishu" I opened my eyes hearing akka voice and a my lips curved faintly seeing akka and Shravan. I tried to sit up straight but akka stopped me. "Ishu you are not doing good with yourself."

"Please Akka. I won't be able to eat anything until and unless I met Raman"

"Ishu everyone are trying there best. It's not easy to connect London now. There is continous snow fall which almost chocked all the lines. You can't act stubborn like this. Atleast think about your child Ishu. Raman will be upset if he came to know about it" the mention of baby awoke the hopes in my heart. My hand immediately went on my bulged tummy and my eyes welled. Our unborn child was the reason of happiness the day Raman came to know about it. He made my life princess the day he met me but as soon as he got the news of our baby arrival he started to treat me like princess, his princess. My eyes welled and streams of tears started to flow down from my eyes.

"He will come Akka. He....he promised his princess....he pro....promised" my breaths started to uneven and Akka and Jiju started to pat my back to console me.

"Please Ishu. Stop hurting you and your baby. Please. It's not good for you. You are seven months pregnant now. You will hurt baby too" I hugged Akka tightly and my hiccups turned louder. My eyes fell over my engagement ring, the sparkling diamond caught my attention, I always adored my life like the sparkles of this diamond but now circumstances were hell bent to turn things down for me.

"Please come back Raman.......please" I mumbled words faintly before falling in uncomfortable slumber.

RAABTA: Because Some Pairs Made By God Where stories live. Discover now