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Hello yhmians.....
I'm I'm back weekly installment of Raabta. Hope you will enjoy it.  Thank you for voting and commenting on last part.
Enjoy reading 😊


"Amma enough packing these dozens of food. I'm not going in some refugee camp"

"Shut up Ishu and let me do my work. You should be happy that I'm permitting you to go. Now stop arguing with me" I chose to sit mum and looked over Appa who was trying best to stop himself from laughing over my plight. I saw Akka and Jiju entering in my room. I hopped from my bed and hugged Akka tightly.

"Take this. I picked your dresses from boutique"

"Akka save me from Amma. If we didn't stop her then she will pack whole grocery store with me"

"I'm not going to say her anything. Already she is panicking from the day you showed her your acceptance letter." I sighed and looked over my acceptance  letter I got from United Kingdom Council of Medical for my further studies in medical. My whole family was escastic with this news except Amma who started to cry hearing my demand. I know she cared for me but even I had some dreams and  from childhood I dreamt to become a successful cardiologist. Appa told me he will handle Amma and I decided to go downstairs with Akka and Jiju. I looked at Akka attire. It looked like she came back direct from office. My father Vishwanathan Iyyer is the owner and Managing Director of Iyyer Taxtile and Shipping Corporation and Akka and Appa together manage this business now. She recently got married with her love Bala Jiju who is son of Appa friend. I adored them from my teenage days. They were indeed dreamy couple for me. Sometimes I do wished having a man like jiju in my life but there are so many things to do before searching someone for me.

I shrugged of my thoughts and continued to ask Akka about her honeymoon from where she came back a week ago. Our day passed in chatting and foods. As only few days were remaining for my departure my extended family decided to live with us and enjoy the time I had left. Soon the remaining days passed and finally day came when I boarded on flight for London.

As soon as I stepped out from Heathrow Airport I welcomed  with the freezy winds which made me shivered. I roamed my eyes in the surroundings and my heart became escastic seeing the London covered with snow. I never visited London before so it was more then a dream come true moment for me. I rubbed my hands against my arms to seek some warmth and fetched my phone. I was about to make call when sudden shriek of known voice fell in my ears, "Ishu..........."

RAABTA: Because Some Pairs Made By God Where stories live. Discover now