the things she went through

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(Hello good people I hope you're having a good day and I hope you enjoy this chapter sport for any mistakes also this chapter probably gonna be put into two parts)

(Carter pov)

I've stayed in balbad so I could stay with aladdin when I did I kinda didn't tell armakan that I wouldn't be coming back so that could be bad but I doubt it will be though.  Never mind I'm so dead when I get back "carter when do you plan to go back to heliohapt" ja'far ask "never" I say as I continue to watch alibaba and aladdin. "What carter you can't just not go back armakan will kill me thinking I did something to you" sinbad says freaking out "but he's going to so mad at me and poor Eric could get an trouble think about the children" I say pointing at him "I'm fine I'll just tell king armakan that you really wanted to stay so I couldn't do anything about it I really doubt I'll be an any trouble" he says showing morg a card trick he learned. "See he's frozen silent with fear" "I'm fine really" "FROZEN silent with fear Eric" I say glaring at him. "You can't just leave heliohapt and we're leaving for sindra today" sin explains " even didn't you promise armakan you'd come back" masrur says out of no where "no I did not just please let me stay with aladdin alittle longer I'll go back there soon really but I haven't seen al and forever he's my baby brother please just a bit more time" I ask "fine you can come but if armakan is at sindra its on you" sin pokes my collarbone to prove his point " I really doubt he will be he can't leave the country often so why waste it on yelling at me" I say waving off the idea "hey carter can you show us some of your magic alibaba doesn't believe it as cool as I tell him it is pleaseeee" aladdin yells/ask me "ok coming you'll regret not believing him though blondy I'm pretty good with my magic" I say hoping out the window.

(Time skip)

"ARMAKAN what are you doing here go back to heliohapt" I yell at him "you disappeared and you thought I wouldn't come really and your hair is a mess you really won't brush it will you" he say patting my messy hair "cut that out I'm not fourteen anymore you can't just pat me" I say slapping his hand away he kinda just laughs and  continues to pat my head poking my side when ever he could. " why would I and your age has nothing to do with when I can pay you see" he says patting head more.

(Aladdin's pov)

"Hey who's that" I say pointing to the guy patting carter "oh that's king armakan king of heliohapt" ja'far tells me "their good friends though some times they seem more like a married couple" he says looking down at them. "She seems like the only one who can make him seem like he's not king like he doesn't have all the worries that come with it she can make him relax just by sitting with him" a new voice joins in "sorry did I scare you I'm narmes I've known carter as long as him but he seems closer to her" he says. "But that's not really important right now your Carter's baby brother right" he ask "yeah I am" I say looking back outside carter was clinging to armakan as he tried to pull her off. "You really look like her you know beside the hair but the eyes your eyes there just like hers the same blue she was really worried about you she would have nightmares about something she only told lord armakan about but she would wake up crying and freaking about you she would repeat your name over and over again until armakan calmed her down" he said getting this sad look. "Hey narmes what the beck don't tell him things like that aladdin it really wasn't that b-" "oh yes it was he also left out that you would scream in your sleep like you were being killed and it happened every night for a year" my eyes go wide as I realize how much it affected her."I'm sorry" I say eyes brimmed with tears "hey don't worry about it they don't happen that often any more and anyway its not your fault so don't feel bad ok I'm just glad you're here now ok" she says smiling warmly at me "ok" I say hugging her.

(That was short only 769 word sorry about that the next chapter should be longer so see you then hope you liked this one)

heliohapt's magi armakan x oc Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt